dtool plugin for interacting with dserver
To install the dtool-lookup-client package.
pip install dtool-lookup-client
This plugin depends on having a dserver to talk to.
It exposes core functionality of Python API dtool-lookup-api on the command line.
Inspect the three core commands with:
dtool lookup -h dtool search -h dtool query -h
on the command line.
The plugin needs to know the URL of the lookup server:
export DSERVER_URL=http://localhost:5000
You also need to specify the access token:
export DSERVER_TOKEN=$(flask user token olssont)
For testing purposes, it is possible to disable SSL certificates validation with:
To lookup URIs from a dataset UUID:
dtool lookup UUID
To list all registered datasets:
dtool search
Full text search for the word "EMS":
dtool search EMS
This requires a dserver
instance with dserver-direct-mongo-plugin
To list all datasets created by user olssont
using the mongo query language:
dtool query '{"creator_username": "olssont"}'