- GitHub: https://github.com/livMatS/dserver-direct-mongo-plugin
- PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/dserver-direct-mongo-plugin/
- Free software: MIT License
- Query datasets via mongo language
- Funnel datasets through aggregation pipelines
dtool is a command line tool for packaging data and metadata into a dataset. A dtool dataset manages data and metadata without the need for a central database.
However, if one has to manage more than a hundred datasets it can be helpful to have the datasets' metadata stored in a central server to enable one to quickly find datasets of interest.
The dservercore provides a web API for registering datasets' metadata and provides functionality to lookup, list and search for datasets.
This plugin allows to submit plain mongo queries and aggregation pipelines directly to the lookup server.
Inform this plugin about the Mongo database to use by setting the environment variables
export DSERVER_MONGO_URI="mongodb://localhost:27017/"
export DSERVER_MONGO_DB="dserver"
If the Mongo search and retrieve plugins are used, then you may use the same database, but must use a different collection.
to enable or disable direct mongo query and aggregation on this plugin.
ATTENTION: While direct queries respect user-wise access rights to database entries on the lookup server level, there is no guarantee for aggregation pipelines to do so per design. Don not enable direct aggregation in a production environment.
The dtool lookup server makes use of the authorized header to pass through the
JSON web token for authorization. Below we create environment variables for the
token and the header used in the following curl
command samples
$ TOKEN=$(flask user token test-user)
$ HEADER="Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
Refer to the core dcumentation of dservercore for more information.
To look for a sepcific field key2: 42
in a dataset's README.yml (provided
the file is properly YAML-formatted), use
$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
-d '{"query": {"readme.key2": 42}}' http://localhost:5000/mongo/query
Response content:
"base_uri": "s3://test-bucket",
"created_at": 1683797360.056,
"creator_username": "jotelha",
"dtoolcore_version": "3.18.2",
"frozen_at": 1683797362.855,
"name": "test_dataset_2",
"number_of_items": 1,
"size_in_bytes": 19347,
"tags": [],
"type": "dataset",
"uri": "s3://test-bucket/26785c2a-e8f8-46bf-82a1-cec92dbdf28f",
"uuid": "26785c2a-e8f8-46bf-82a1-cec92dbdf28f"
Next to the content of the README.yml
, other fields of the database-internal
dataset representation returned in the example above are directly queryable as
well. All queries are formulated in the MongoDB language.
The MongoDB documenatation
offers information on how to formulate queries. The
list of available query operators
is particularly useful. The following illustrates a few other possible
JSON-like query documents.
will find all datasets whose base URI
matches the provided regular expression, here any s3
-prefixed string.
{"readme.owners.name": {"$regex": "Testing User"}}
will match any dataset
with a README field that contains the sub string Testing User
, such as
- name: A user who does not match the search pattern
username: test_user
- name: Another Testing User matches the search pattern
username: another_test_user
The query
"creator_username": "jotelha",
"readme.parameters.temperature": 298
will match all datasets created by user jotelha
and annotated with:
temperature: 298
in its README.yml
The following example of an aggregation pipeline identifies and counts instances of the same dataset at different base URIs:
$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
-d '{"aggregation": [
"$sort": {"base_uri": 1}
}, {
"$group": {
"_id": "$name",
"count": {"$sum": 1},
"available_at": {"$push": "$base_uri"}
}, {
"$project": {
"name": "$_id",
"count": true,
"available_at": true,
"_id": false
}, {
"$sort": {"name": 1}
}' http://localhost:5000/mongo/aggregate
Response content:
"available_at": [
"count": 1,
"name": "test_dataset_1"
"available_at": [
"count": 2,
"name": "test_dataset_2"
Running unit tests with pytest
requires a healthy lookup server installation
and the availability of required services such as databases. Please refer to
the core
for setup instructions.