This repository has been created during the distribits 2024 hackathon.
The challange has been posed as and discussed at distribits/distribits-2024-hackathon#10.
It suggests a simple extension to DataLad that creates a dtool dataset from a DataLad dataset.
- dtool datasets have UUIDs, and DataLad datsets as well, and
- dtool datasets are immutable, while DataLad datasets are versioned.
we can export a dtool dataset as a "snapshot" of a versioned datalad dataset, with the unique mapping
dtool dataset UUID <-> (datalad dataset UUID, commit)
This is done with the
datalad export-dtool
command. For detailed usage information, see datalad export-dtool --help
Create a minimal datalad dataset with a testfile
datalad create testdir
cd testdir
echo "test" > testfile.txt
and add the data to git-annex
datalad save
Then proceed to extract datalad to dtool with
cd ..
datalad export-dtool -n dtool-test -d testdir
Create a dtool dataset
dtool create another-test
and populate it with data, e.g.
echo "another-test" > test_file.txt
dtool add item test_file.txt another-test
Then, we freeze the dataset
dtool freeze another-test
and get the path. Create a datalad dataset if not already done
datalad create my-datalad-dataset
Then import the dtool-dataset to datalad with
datalad import-dtool --dataset my-datalad-dataset --path imported another-test
Check that the content imported from the dtool dataset is present:
$ ls -lha my-datalad-dataset/imported
total 12K
drwxrwxr-x 2 jotelha jotelha 4,0K Dez 5 13:55 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 jotelha jotelha 4,0K Dez 5 13:55 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jotelha jotelha 121 Dez 5 13:55 test_file.txt -> ../.git/annex/objects/PQ/x9/MD5E-s13--fc2fb139c72a8606580ce5c98f7a688f.txt/MD5E-s13--fc2fb139c72a8606580ce5c98f7a688f.txt
Similarly, import from any remote dtool endpoint, e.g. the ones available on the dserver test instance,
datalad import-dtool --dataset my-datalad-dataset --path from-s3-endpoint s3://test-bucket/1a1f9fad-8589-413e-9602-5bbd66bfe675
datalad import-dtool --dataset my-datalad-dataset --path from-smb-endpoint smb://test-share/01211ad2-45ee-42f3-bc82-b24725462605
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