Topup script for Can be setup to automatically topup your instances using lightning network when the balance is getting low.
Currently integrated lightning wallets are lnd, c-lightning and LNbits.
- curl
- jq
Sets the amount to topup your instance with
Sets the host name of the instance to topup
Changes the command to use for c-lightning. Defaults to 'lightning-cli'
Sets the admin key for the LNbits wallet. Must be provided if wallet LNbits is used
Sets the LNbits domain. Defaults to ''
Changes the command to use for lnd. Defaults to 'lncli'
Sets a max balance. If the current balance of the instance is above this value, the topup will not be executed
Boolean. Prints current time when the script starts executing
Selects which wallet to use. Currently supported are 'lnd', 'c-lightning' and 'lnbits'
To simply topup an instance with 10000 sats using c-lightning --host {host-name} --amount 10000 --wallet c-lightning
To topup an instance with 10000 sats only if current balance is below 30000 using lnd --host {host-name} --amount 10000 --max-balance 30000 --wallet lnd
By using cron it can be setup to automatically topup your instance when the balance has gone below the minimum wanted level. For example, this cron command will run the script every day at 1am. The script will topup the instance with 10000 sats only if the current balance is below 30000 and save the output to the provided log file. Note that it can be necessary to enter the full path of the commands when using crontab on Linux
0 1 * * * /path/to/ --host {host-name} --amount 10000 --max-balance 30000 --wallet lnd --lncli /path/to/lncli --print-time >> /path/to/bitclouds-topup.log 2>&1
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.