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DAT-18247 Update test-harness.yml #121

DAT-18247 Update test-harness.yml

DAT-18247 Update test-harness.yml #121

GitHub Actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports succeeded Aug 6, 2024 in 0s

0 passed, 27 failed and 37 skipped

Tests failed

❌ target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

64 tests were completed in 1313s with 0 passed, 27 failed and 37 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT 27❌ 37⚪ 1313s

❌ liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT

  ❌ apply 1initScript against bigquery 1.5
	Condition not satisfied:
  ⚪ apply addAutoIncrement against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply addCheckConstraint against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply addColumn against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply addDefaultValue against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply addDefaultValueBoolean against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply addDefaultValueComputed against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply addDefaultValueDate against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply addDefaultValueNumeric against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply addDefaultValueSequenceNext against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply addForeignKey against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply addLookupTable against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply addNotNullConstraint against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply addPrimaryKey against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply addUniqueConstraint against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply alterSequence against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply createFunction against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply createIndex against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply createPackage against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply createPackageBody against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply createProcedure against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply createProcedureFromFile against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply createSequence against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply createTable against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ❌ apply createTableDataTypeText against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ❌ apply createTableTimestamp against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply createTrigger against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply createView against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply disableCheckConstraint against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply disableTrigger against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply dropAllForeignKeyConstraints against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply dropCheckConstraint against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply dropColumn against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply dropDefaultValue against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply dropForeignKey against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply dropFunction against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply dropIndex against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply dropNotNullConstraint against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply dropPrimaryKey against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ❌ apply dropProcedure against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply dropSequence against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply dropTable against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply dropTrigger against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply dropUniqueConstraint against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply dropView against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply enableCheckConstraint against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply enableTrigger against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply executeCommand against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply mergeColumns against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ❌ apply modifyDataType against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ❌ apply modifySql against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ❌ apply renameColumn against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply renameSequence against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply renameTable against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ⚪ apply renameTrigger against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply renameView against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply setColumnRemarks against bigquery 1.5
  ⚪ apply setTableRemarks against bigquery 1.5
  ❌ apply sql against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ❌ apply sqlFile against bigquery 1.5
	Condition failed with Exception:
  ❌ apply delete against bigquery 1.5
	java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONCompareMode
  ❌ apply insert against bigquery 1.5
	java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONCompareMode
  ❌ apply loadData against bigquery 1.5
	java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONCompareMode
  ❌ apply loadUpdateData against bigquery 1.5
	java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONCompareMode


Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply 1initScript against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
  Condition not satisfied:
Raw output
Condition not satisfied:

generatedSql == expectedSql
|            |  |
|            |  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS authors
|            |  CREATE TABLE authors (
|            |  id INTEGER NOT NULL,
|            |  first_name STRING NOT NULL,
|            |  last_name STRING NOT NULL,
|            |  email STRING NOT NULL,
|            |  birthdate DATE NOT NULL,
|            |  added TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
|            |  )
|            |  INSERT INTO authors VALUES (1,'Eileen','Lubowitz','[email protected]','1991-03-04','2004-05-30 02:08:25')
|            |  INSERT INTO authors VALUES (2,'Tamia','Mayert','[email protected]','2016-03-27','2014-03-21 02:52:00')
|            |  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS posts
|            |  CREATE TABLE posts (
|            |  id INTEGER NOT NULL,
|            |  author_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
|            |  title STRING NOT NULL,
|            |  description STRING NOT NULL,
|            |  content STRING NOT NULL,
|            |  inserted_date DATE
|            |  )
|            |  INSERT INTO posts VALUES (1,1,'temporibus','voluptatum','Fugit non et doloribus repudiandae.','2015-11-18')
|            |  INSERT INTO posts VALUES (2,2,'ea','aut','Tempora molestias maiores provident molestiae sint possimus quasi.','1975-06-08')
|            false
|            31 differences (40% similarity) (comparing subset start: 189, end1: 241, end2: 210)
|            MP NOT NULL(,)\n(PRIMARY KEY (id))( NOT ENFORCED)\n()\n)INSERT 
|            MP NOT NULL(-)\n(---------------))(-------------)\n(--~)INSERT 
CREATE TABLE authors (
first_name STRING NOT NULL,
last_name STRING NOT NULL,
birthdate DATE NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO authors VALUES (1,'Eileen','Lubowitz','[email protected]','1991-03-04','2004-05-30 02:08:25')
INSERT INTO authors VALUES (2,'Tamia','Mayert','[email protected]','2016-03-27','2014-03-21 02:52:00')
description STRING NOT NULL,
inserted_date DATE
INSERT INTO posts VALUES (1,1,'temporibus','voluptatum','Fugit non et doloribus repudiandae.','2015-11-18')
INSERT INTO posts VALUES (2,2,'ea','aut','Tempora molestias maiores provident molestiae sint possimus quasi.','1975-06-08')

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:68)

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply addColumn against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-08-06T06:19:58.453",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "1.5",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "bigquery",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "1",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "5",
|                                 |                       "user": "",
|                                 |                       "productName": "Google BigQuery",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=testharnesstests;DefaultDataset=harness_test_ds;OAuthType=3;timeout=3600;"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "testharnesstests",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da145"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "AUTHOR",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da149",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "COMMENTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da156",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "CONTEXTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da159",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DATEEXECUTED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da151",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATETIME"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DEPLOYMENT_ID",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "14!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da161",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DESCRIPTION",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "8!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da155",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "EXECTYPE",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da153",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "FILENAME",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da150",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "ID",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da148",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "ID",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da162",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da163",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "LABELS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "13!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da160",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "LIQUIBASE",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "11!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da158",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "20!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "20!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "LOCKED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da162",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da164",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "16!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "BOOLEAN"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "LOCKEDBY",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da162",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da166",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "LOCKGRANTED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da162",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da165",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATETIME"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "MD5SUM",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "7!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da154",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "35!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "35!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "ORDEREXECUTED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da152",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "TAG",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da147",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da157",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "added",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da167",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da173",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "TIMESTAMP"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "author_id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da177",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da179",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "birthdate",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da167",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da172",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "91!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATE"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "content",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da177",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da182",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
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|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da176",
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|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "91!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATE"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "description",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da177",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da181",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "email",
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|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da167",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da171",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "first_name",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da167",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da169",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da167",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da177",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da178",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "inserted_date",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da177",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da183",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "91!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATE"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "intColumn",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "8!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da167",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da175",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "last_name",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da167",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da170",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "title",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da177",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da180",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "varcharColumn",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "7!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da167",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da174",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Schema": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "schema": {
|                                 |                             "catalog": "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog#97da145",
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "harness_test_ds",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da146"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da148",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da149",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da150",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da151",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da152",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da153",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da154",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da155",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da156",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da157",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da158",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da159",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da160",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da161"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOG",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da146",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da147"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da163",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da164",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da165",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da166"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da146",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da162"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da168",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da169",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da170",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da171",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da172",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da173",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da174",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da175",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da176"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da146",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da167"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da178",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da179",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da180",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da181",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da182",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da183"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "posts",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da146",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da177"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                       "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                         "includedType": [
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Column",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Index",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Schema",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Table",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
|                                 |                         ]
|                                 |                         
|                                 |                       }
|                                 |                     }
|                                 |                   }
|                                 |                 }
|                                 {
|                                   "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                         {
|                                           "table": {
|                                             "name": "authors"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ],
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "varcharColumn"
|                                           }
|                                         },
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "intColumn"
|                                           }
|                                         },
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "dateColumn"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ]
|                                     }
|                                   }
|                                 }
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
	at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
	... 2 more

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
	at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
	... 2 more

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply addForeignKey against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException: liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for changeset liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/bigquery/addForeignKey.xml::1::oleh:
     Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: [Simba][BigQueryJDBCDriver](100032) Error executing query job. Message: Table harness_test_ds.authors does not have Primary Key constraints [Failed SQL: (100032) ALTER TABLE harness_test_ds.posts ADD CONSTRAINT fk_posts_authors_test FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES harness_test_ds.authors (id) NOT ENFORCED]
	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:65)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:76)

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply addLookupTable against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-08-06T06:21:32.307",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "1.5",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "bigquery",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "1",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "5",
|                                 |                       "user": "",
|                                 |                       "productName": "Google BigQuery",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=testharnesstests;DefaultDataset=harness_test_ds;OAuthType=3;timeout=3600;"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "testharnesstests",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da274"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "AUTHOR",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da276",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da278",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "COMMENTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da276",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da285",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "CONTEXTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da276",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da288",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DATEEXECUTED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da276",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da280",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATETIME"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DEPLOYMENT_ID",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "14!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da276",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da290",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DESCRIPTION",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "8!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da276",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da284",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "EXECTYPE",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
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|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors_data",
|                                 |                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey#97da306",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da275",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da305"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da308",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da309",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da310",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da311",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da312",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da313"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "posts",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da275",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da307"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                       "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                         "includedType": [
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Column",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Index",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Schema",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Table",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
|                                 |                         ]
|                                 |                         
|                                 |                       }
|                                 |                     }
|                                 |                   }
|                                 |                 }
|                                 {
|                                   "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                         {
|                                           "table": {
|                                             "name": "authors_data"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ],
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "authors_email"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ]
|                                     }
|                                   }
|                                 }
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply addPrimaryKey against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-08-06T06:22:22.479",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "1.5",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "bigquery",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "1",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "5",
|                                 |                       "user": "",
|                                 |                       "productName": "Google BigQuery",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=testharnesstests;DefaultDataset=harness_test_ds;OAuthType=3;timeout=3600;"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "testharnesstests",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da359"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "AUTHOR",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da361",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da363",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "COMMENTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da361",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da370",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "CONTEXTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da361",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da373",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DATEEXECUTED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da361",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da365",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATETIME"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DEPLOYMENT_ID",
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|                                 |                             "order": "14!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da361",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da361",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da369",
|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                           }
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da364",
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|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da376",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da377",
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|                                 |                             }
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da381",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
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|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da382",
|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da388",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da389",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "inserted_date",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da388",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da394",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "91!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATE"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "last_name",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da381",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da384",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "title",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da388",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da391",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "primaryKey": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da389"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "$",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da395",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da388"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Schema": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "schema": {
|                                 |                             "catalog": "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog#97da359",
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "harness_test_ds",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da360"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da362",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da363",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da364",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da365",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da366",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da367",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da368",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da369",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da370",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da371",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da372",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da373",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da374",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da375"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOG",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da360",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da361"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da377",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da378",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da379",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da380"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da360",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da376"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da382",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da383",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da384",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da385",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da386",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da387"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da360",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da381"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da389",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da390",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da391",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da392",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da393",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da394"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "posts",
|                                 |                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey#97da395",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da360",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da388"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                       "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                         "includedType": [
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Column",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Index",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Schema",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Table",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
|                                 |                         ]
|                                 |                         
|                                 |                       }
|                                 |                     }
|                                 |                   }
|                                 |                 }
|                                 {
|                                   "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                         {
|                                           "table": {
|                                             "name": "posts",
|                                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey.*"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ]
|                                     }
|                                   }
|                                 }
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createTable against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-08-06T06:23:18.571",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "1.5",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "bigquery",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "1",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "5",
|                                 |                       "user": "",
|                                 |                       "productName": "Google BigQuery",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=testharnesstests;DefaultDataset=harness_test_ds;OAuthType=3;timeout=3600;"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "testharnesstests",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da441"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "AUTHOR",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da458",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "COMMENTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da465",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "CONTEXTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da468",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DATEEXECUTED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da460",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATETIME"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DEPLOYMENT_ID",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "14!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da470",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DESCRIPTION",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "8!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da464",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "EXECTYPE",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da462",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "FILENAME",
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|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
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|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "ID",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da457",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da471",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da472",
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|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "LABELS",
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|                                 |                             "order": "13!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da469",
|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da471",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da473",
|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da475",
|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da471",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da474",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATETIME"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "7!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da456",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da463",
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|                                 |                               "columnSize": "35!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
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|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "91!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da443",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey": [
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|                                 |                           "foreignKey": {
|                                 |                             "foreignKeyColumns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da445"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "foreignKeyTable": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da443",
|                                 |                             "name": "fk_test",
|                                 |                             "primaryKeyColumns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da447"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "primaryKeyTable": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da448",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da446"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "primaryKey": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da447"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "$",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da454",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da448"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "primaryKey": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da444"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "$",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da455",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da443"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Schema": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "schema": {
|                                 |                             "catalog": "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog#97da441",
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "harness_test_ds",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da442"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da457",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da458",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da459",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da460",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da461",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da462",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da463",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da464",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da465",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da466",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da467",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da468",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da469",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da470"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOG",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da442",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da456"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da472",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da473",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da474",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da475"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da442",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da471"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da447",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da449",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da450",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da451",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da452",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da453"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors",
|                                 |                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey#97da454",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da442",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da448"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da477",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da478",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da479",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da480",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da481",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da482"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "posts",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da442",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da476"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da444",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da445"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "test_table",
|                                 |                             "outgoingForeignKeys": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey#97da446"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey#97da455",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da442",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da443"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                       "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                         "includedType": [
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Column",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Index",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Schema",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Table",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
|                                 |                         ]
|                                 |                         
|                                 |                       }
|                                 |                     }
|                                 |                   }
|                                 |                 }
|                                 {
|                                   "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                         {
|                                           "table": {
|                                             "name": "test_table"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ],
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "test_id"
|                                           }
|                                         },
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "test_FK_column"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ],
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey": [
|                                         {
|                                           "foreignKey": {
|                                             "name": "fk_test"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ]
|                                     }
|                                   }
|                                 }
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createTableDataTypeText against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-08-06T06:24:11.404",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "1.5",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "bigquery",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "1",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "5",
|                                 |                       "user": "",
|                                 |                       "productName": "Google BigQuery",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=testharnesstests;DefaultDataset=harness_test_ds;OAuthType=3;timeout=3600;"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "testharnesstests",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da528"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "AUTHOR",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da530",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da532",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "COMMENTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da530",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da539",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOG",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da529",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da530"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da548",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da549",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da550",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da551"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da529",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da547"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da553",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da554",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da555",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da556",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da557",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da558"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da529",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da552"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da546"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "createTableDataTypeText",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da529",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da545"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da560",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da561",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da562",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da563",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da564",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da565"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "posts",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da529",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da559"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                       "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                         "includedType": [
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Column",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Index",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Schema",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Table",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
|                                 |                         ]
|                                 |                         
|                                 |                       }
|                                 |                     }
|                                 |                   }
|                                 |                 }
|                                 {
|                                   "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                         {
|                                           "table": {
|                                             "name": "createTableDataTypeText"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ],
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "textCol"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ]
|                                     }
|                                   }
|                                 }
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createTableTimestamp against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-08-06T06:25:01.969",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "1.5",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "bigquery",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "1",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "5",
|                                 |                       "user": "",
|                                 |                       "productName": "Google BigQuery",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=testharnesstests;DefaultDataset=harness_test_ds;OAuthType=3;timeout=3600;"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "testharnesstests",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da611"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "AUTHOR",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da613",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da615",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "COMMENTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da613",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da622",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "CONTEXTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da613",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da625",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DATEEXECUTED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da613",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da617",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATETIME"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DEPLOYMENT_ID",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "14!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da613",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da627",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DESCRIPTION",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "8!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da613",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da621",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "EXECTYPE",
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|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da613",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da616",
|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "ID",
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|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da613",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da614",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da628",
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|                                 |                             }
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|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da628",
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|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                         {
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|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "inserted_date",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da643",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da649",
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|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
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|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATE"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "last_name",
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|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da633",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da636",
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|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "lms_test_id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da640",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da641",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "lms_test_timestamp",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da640",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da642",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "TIMESTAMP"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "title",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da643",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da646",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Schema": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "schema": {
|                                 |                             "catalog": "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog#97da611",
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "harness_test_ds",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da612"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da614",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da615",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da616",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da617",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da618",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da619",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da620",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da621",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da622",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da623",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da624",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da625",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da626",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da627"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOG",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da612",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da613"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da629",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da630",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da631",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da632"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da612",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da628"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da634",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da635",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da636",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da637",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da638",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da639"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da612",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da633"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da641",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da642"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "lms_create_table_test",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da612",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da640"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da644",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da645",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da646",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da647",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da648",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da649"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "posts",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da612",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da643"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                       "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                         "includedType": [
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Column",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Index",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Schema",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Table",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
|                                 |                         ]
|                                 |                         
|                                 |                       }
|                                 |                     }
|                                 |                   }
|                                 |                 }
|                                 {
|                                   "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                         {
|                                           "table": {
|                                             "name": "lms_create_table_test"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ],
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "lms_test_id"
|                                           }
|                                         },
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "lms_test_timestamp",
|                                             "type": {
|                                               "typeName": "timestamp"
|                                             }
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ]
|                                     }
|                                   }
|                                 }
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createView against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-08-06T06:25:50.203",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "1.5",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "bigquery",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "1",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "5",
|                                 |                       "user": "",
|                                 |                       "productName": "Google BigQuery",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=testharnesstests;DefaultDataset=harness_test_ds;OAuthType=3;timeout=3600;"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "testharnesstests",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da695"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "AUTHOR",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da697",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da699",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "COMMENTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da697",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da706",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "CONTEXTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da697",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da709",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DATEEXECUTED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da697",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da701",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATETIME"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DEPLOYMENT_ID",
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|                                 |                             "order": "14!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da711",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da697",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da705",
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|                                 |                             }
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|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "13!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da735"
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|                                 |                             "definition": "select id, first_name, last_name, email from authors",
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|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
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|                                     "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.View": [
|                                         {
|                                           "view": {
|                                             "definition": "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email FROM authors",
|                                             "name": "test_view"
|                                           }
|                                         }]
|                                     }
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|                                 }
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply dropAllForeignKeyConstraints against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException: liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for changeset liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/bigquery/dropAllForeignKeyConstraints.xml::1::oleh:
     Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: [Simba][BigQueryJDBCDriver](100032) Error executing query job. Message: Table harness_test_ds.authors does not have Primary Key constraints [Failed SQL: (100032) ALTER TABLE harness_test_ds.posts ADD CONSTRAINT fk_posts_authors_test FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES harness_test_ds.authors (id) NOT ENFORCED]
	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:65)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:76)

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.ext.bigquery.ContributedHarnessSuiteIT ► liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply dropColumn against bigquery 1.5

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-08-06T06:27:11.247",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "1.5",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "bigquery",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "1",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "5",
|                                 |                       "user": "",
|                                 |                       "productName": "Google BigQuery",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=testharnesstests;DefaultDataset=harness_test_ds;OAuthType=3;timeout=3600;"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "testharnesstests",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da828"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "AUTHOR",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da832",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "COMMENTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da839",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "CONTEXTS",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da842",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DATEEXECUTED",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da834",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATETIME"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DEPLOYMENT_ID",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "14!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da844",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "DESCRIPTION",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "8!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da838",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da836",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "FILENAME",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da833",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "ID",
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da831",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "ID",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da845",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da846",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "19!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "INT64"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
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|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "11!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da845",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da830",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da850",
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "type": {
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|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da857",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da863",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
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|                                 |                               "typeName": "DATE"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#97da857",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da860",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "65535!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "STRING"
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|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Schema": [
|                                 |                         {
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|                                 |                             "catalog": "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog#97da828",
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "harness_test_ds",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da829"
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|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
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|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da831",
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|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da835",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da836",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da837",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da838",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da839",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da840",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da841",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da842",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da843",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da844"
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|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da847",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da848",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da849"
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|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da845"
|                                 |                           }
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|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da851",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da852",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da853",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da854",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da855",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da856"
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|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da829",
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|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da858",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da859",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da860",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da861",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da862",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#97da863"
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|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "posts",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#97da829",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "97da857"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                       "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                         "includedType": [
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Column",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Index",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Schema",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Table",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
|                                 |                         ]
|                                 |                         
|                                 |                       }
|                                 |                     }
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|                                 |                 }
|                                 {
|                                   "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "_noMatch": true,
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                         {
|                                           "column": {
|                                             "name": "varcharColumn"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ]
|                                     }
|                                   }
|                                 }
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/skyscreamer/jsonassert/JSONAssert
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more