- Clone the repo
- Install dependencies
npm install
- build the app
- run the server
node server
The test is implemented as a JS application using Less, grunt, jQuery, and Underscore templates, to present two forms (Person Form and Employee Form) on the user's screen.
- Solve the problem with the "margin-left" being ignored in dropdown.less:4 (solve it in the Less file).
- In all dropdown buttons, create a gap of 3px between the caret and the text.
- The dropdown buttons are green (by default). If they are inside a container with style "form", they are red. Add code making the dropdown blue when it's inside the Person form.
- Change the color of the label "Name" in the Person Form to blue.
- The two forms are currently positioned vertically. Add code positioning them side by side, except on mobile devices.
- Add a new form for Company, asking for company name and number of employees. This form should be 100% wide on all devices. Style the "number of employees" label to be red.
Do not commit the modified files to this repository, and do not create a pull request.
Instead, create a public repository under your own Github account, and provide the solution to each of the test tasks as a separate commit. Then send the repository link to [email protected].