A suite of addons for importing, exporting, and animating OpenSim models in Blender. Blender is a free, near-commercial-grade modeling and animation program. See www.blender.org.
The addons are written in Python and were developed in Blender 2.74.
Each Python file (*.py) in this repository can be added as a stand-alone addon in Blender. At this time there are no interdependencies between the files.
To install a .py file as an addon:
- Download the .py file to your local computer,
- Start Blender,
- In Blender, go to "File > User Preferences" and click on the "Add-ons" tab,
- At the bottom of the Add-ons tab, click the "Install from File", browse to the location of the .py file, and open the .py file,
- If you want to load the addon at startup every time, click the "Save User Settings" button at the bottom left of the Add-ons tab. You are done.
When you install the addon, it will appear under the category "OpenSim" in the Add-ons tab (see column of categories on the left). To make an addon active, you need to click the checkbox on the far right of the addon (if it is not checked).
Note that addons are in early development at this time and not necessarily functional.