LeaderF extension for git
Provide 5 more git related LeaderF commands:
" Fuzzy finder for all local git branches
:LeaderfBranch or :Leaderf branch
" Fuzzy finder for all the commits in current git repository
:LeaderfCommit or :Leaderf commit
" Fuzzy finder for the commits affect current file
:LeaderfBCommit or :Leaderf bcommit
" Fuzzy finder for the files in 'git status'
:LeaderfGstatus or :Leaderf gstatus
" Fuzzy finder for the files in 'git ls-gfiles'
:LeaderfGfile or :Leaderf gfile
with vim-plug
Plug 'linjiX/LeaderF-git'
- Mandatory
- Optional
- tpope/vim-fugitive (Needed for open or preview git commits)
This extension is written by pure vim-script: Written LeaderF extension by vim-script