a pdf generation tool
- install docker
- in one terminal, run
docker-compose up --build
. This gets the db up and running. - In another terminal, run
docker-compose run --rm app python manage.py migrate
. In fact use this command to run anything adhoc. - now cd into db_test_app and run
docker build . -t app && docker run --net=host app
docker-compose run --rm app python manage.py startapp pdffer
docker-compose run --rm app python manage.py populate_db
docker-compose up --build
and go to http://localhost:8000/api
Apart from puppdf, took lessons from this article
use next_url redirection for logout and signup
it needs csrf check
X Identify Code Decouple
- Code Decouple
- Tests
- Documentation
- make ui to consume all of above.
- Think credits, billing, pricing.
Email Verification Cost analysis per pdf Payments integration Look at all test cases around auth
email verify
- Client, Session migrations move to auth - done
- all login and signup web templates must be in auth/templates.
- make it into a django library.
Already there. Just make it a library.
Next stage todo
review areas for security flaws like
- verification email should not give away so much.
- people can hit and try verification link etc.
get secret from kms or something. right now one has to go into docker container and add password manually for email
add multi-level logs