This is one example from LayerZero User Application example to demonstrate message sending.
OmniCounter.sol: is a classic example of a simple contract that increments a counter -- but there's a twist. This OmniCounter increments the counter on another chain.
Set up the environments with yarn
yarn install
Update the settings in .env.sample file. Change the .env.example filename to .env
- DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY to deploy smart contracts
- TESTER_PRIVATE_KEY to send transaction to call smart contracts
- GOERLI_RPC_URL and POLYGON_MUMBAI_RPC_URL the rpc urls on goerli or mumbai
- ETHERSCAN_API_KEY and POL_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY to auto verify smart contract
Deploy the example contracts on goerli testnet and polygon testnet. Make sure the deployer have gas tokens on both chains
npx hardhat --network polygonMumbai | goerli deploy
Initialize the other settings of contracts
npx hardhat run --network goerli | polygonMumbai scripts/initContracts.js
Test the flow by running the below command.
npx hardhat run --network goerli | polygonMumbai scripts/incrementCounter.js
After send the transaction, you can use LayerZeroScan to track the status of message transaction. Just search up the transaction hash from the execution transaction.