This project uses a logistic regression model to predict the survival probability of passengers on the Titanic. By analyzing the Titanic dataset, we aim to understand which factors influenced survival and use this information to build a predictive model.
The dataset, provided by Kaggle, includes various features such as:
- Passenger demographics (Age, Gender, etc.)
- Ticket information (Fare, Class, etc.)
- Family relationships (Siblings/Spouses, Parents/Children aboard)
Ensure you have the following libraries installed:
- for data manipulationnumpy
- for numerical operationsscikit-learn
- for building and evaluating the logistic regression modelmatplotlib
(optional) - for visualizing data trends
├── data/ # Contains the Titanic dataset
├── notebooks/ # Jupyter notebooks for data exploration and model training
├── models/ # Trained models and serialized files
└── # Project documentation