Simple extensible code generator for lifx protocol messages used by
Contains model for the protocol messages documented here:
See Model/Model.xml for the definition of the message The format of the Model can be validated against Model/schema.xsd
At the moment two moduels are available for generating C# and Swift code.
Install dot net (Windows, OSX, Linux):
and the runtime for version 2.0.5
You should be able to build and from an ide (Visual Studio (for Mac), Rider) by creating the appropriate run config.
Building on the the commandline with .net core
build from the root directory:
dotnet build
this will build:
Codegen/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/Codegen.dll - the main entry point for the codegenerator
GeneratorDomain/bin/Debug/netstandard1.6/GeneratorDomain.dll - data models used by the generator, see also Codegen/Model/schema.xsd
GeneratorSharp/bin/Debug/netstandard1.6/GeneratorSharp.dll - code generator utilities for swift
GeneratorSwift/bin/Debug/netstandard1.6/GeneratorSwift.dll - code generator untilities for c# code
generate the code:
dotnet Codegen/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/Codegen.dll -t Templates/Swift -o generated/Swift -m Model -g GeneratorSwift/bin/Debug/netstandard1.6/GeneratorSwift.dll
dotnet Codegen/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/Codegen.dll -t Templates/Sharp -o generated/Sharp -m Model -g GeneratorSharp/bin/Debug/netstandard1.6/GeneratorSharp.dll