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Change Log

v0.2-beta (master) (2015-08-01)


  • authentication


  • fix errors in ......

v0.1-beta (2015-04-01)


  • the first version

Install notes

LBGenerator was tested against following Python versions

  • Python 3.2
  • Python 3.3
  • Python 3.4

Even though we didn't test it, we believe it can work on previous versions

  • The following packages must be compiled to fave a full Lightbase Neo instance
    1. liblightbase
    2. LBGenerator
    3. LBApp


The following packages must be installed on Operating System (Debian based systems)

  • python-dev
  • libpq-dev
  • libffi-dev


Create pyramid configuration file according to your environment (development/production). Example .ini files are supplied with all the required parameters.

cp development.ini-dist development.ini

Change the following lines in your configuration file according to your environment

sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://rest:rest@localhost/neolight

Run alembic scripts to load base data into your PostgreSQL instance

alembic -c development.ini upgrade head

Configure Apache + WSGI

Configure your WSGI server and setup instance URL. In Debian you will need the following package:

  • libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3

The following configuration will setup LBGenerator instance at /api

# Use only 1 Python sub-interpreter.  Multiple sub-interpreters
# play badly with C extensions.
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
WSGIPassAuthorization On
WSGIDaemonProcess lbgenerator user=www-data group=www-data threads=4 python-path=/home/eduardo/srv/lightbase-neo/lib/python3.4/site-packages
WSGIScriptAlias /api /home/eduardo/srv/lightbase-neo/src/LBGenerator/lbgenerator.wsgi

  WSGIProcessGroup lbgenerator
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

Now you can use one of the supplied wsgi scripts:

cp lbgenerator.wsgi-dist lbgenerator.wsgi

Enable authentication mode

  1. Baixar o código atualizado a partir da 0.2

  2. Rodar o alembic para atualizar o modelo de dados

alembic -c development.ini upgrade head

  1. Editar a url do script que cria do usuário admin do banco de dados

vi scripts/

url = ''

  1. Rodar o script de criação do usuário admin do banco de dados:

python3.2 scripts/ OBS: o sistema irá retornar a api_key neste comando

  1. Alterar o parâmetro auth.enabled do arquivo de configuração

vi development.ini

auth.enabled = 1


REST APi for lightbase database






No packages published
