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How to use a custom wizard

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi edited this page Feb 24, 2014 · 2 revisions

TODO: These notes should be improved.

I've pushed the sample to a new remote branch CustomWizardSample Take a look at the commits for details but I had to make the following changes to get a custom wizard to light up in SideWaffle. FYI I had to make changes in the master branch to facilitate this so get latest on master when you start your actual work.

  1. Add a new Class Library project to the solution to contain custom wizard code. Implement custom wizard in that project.

  2. Add a ref to that class lib in TemplatePack project (this is the VSIX Project)

  3. Add an Asset tag to the .vsixmanifest for the assembly. See

  4. Add the project you want to make a template out of to the solution

  5. Add a TemplateReference in TemplatePack project to the project from the previous step (right click Add -> Add SideWaffle Project)

  6. Add the .vstemplate and _preprocess.xml file using the SideWaffle Project Template Files item template

  7. Update the .vstemplate file to reference the custom wizard. See

After that you can CTRL+F5 / F5 to create a new project from your template and the custom wizard should be invoked.