Tutorial scripts to use with LifeCycle analyses.
We have a few steps to help you setup your environment
- Version control and sharing of analysis
- RStudio-account management
We want to use version-control to setup a platform where you can share your analysis script and also be able to obtain an older version of the script.
We are using github to do file-versioning and sharing.
Create an account on github: join github
Create a person access token: create access token
- Follow the steps until 10 (note that the token will only be presented once by Github)
- You will use the token in Step 4 so keep it on your clipboard
- In R-Studio create a new project
- Create a new project
- Choose "From version control"
- Choose "Git"
- Enter the project url from Github
- Setup your credentials for the project
- Open up a terminal
- Execute the following command and be aware that you paste you username:token in the github-url. So: "git remote set-url origin https://username:token@github.com/lifecycle-project/analysis-tutorials"
git remote set-url origin https://sidohaakma:[email protected]/lifecycle-project/analysis-tutorials
There are three levels of tutorials we now distinguish.
There are some prerequisites for these tutorials. You have to upload datasets to:
The datasets are speficyfied by in the difficulty level paragraphs.
The beginners tutorials are containing a set of excersizes that are fit for beginning R and DataSHIELD users.
For the beginners-tutorial you need to create a "Project": Tutorials and then create a table called: tutorial_beginner Use these files for the beginners tutorial:
Created by Sido Haakma
An age analyses on 2 datasets in the 2 test-opals.
If you already have some experience in doing R-analyses you can do these tutorials.
Created by Angela Pinot de Moira
For the novices-tutorial you need to create a "Project": Tutorials and then create a table called: tutorial_novice Use these files for the novices tutorial:
This tutorial includes a more specific anlaysis and datamanipulation implementation on LifeCycle data.
You can attend these tutorials if are certified by Angela or Sido in the LifeCycle project.
Created by Tom Bishop
For the advanced-tutorial you need to create a "Project": Tutorials and then create a table called: tutorial_advanced Use these files for the advanced tutorial:
This tutorial includes some data manipulation in R and some sample statitics you can perform in R.