To demonstrate response time degradation with payload and TLS enabled.
Deploy Spring Cloud Gateway that will route requests to a spring boot microservice. Gatling will drive the load, measure the latency and plot the graphs. All components are running on the same host.
- Spring Boot 2.2.4
- Spring Cloud (Hoxton.SR2)
- Netty 4.1.45
- Spring Cloud Gateway 2.2.1.
The test runs 4 scenarios. Calling microservice directly with/out payload and calling it via. gateway with/out payload. The payload used as request body was 100k JSON.
response time [ms] | |
Direct with Payload | 6 |
Direct no Payload | 2 |
Gateway with payload | 11 |
Gateway no payload | 3 |
Gateway's response time with payload: 11 - 6 = 5ms
Gateway's response time without payload: 3 - 2 = 1ms
What we also noticed is that if we disable TLS then there isn't any degradation.
From root directory ./
The results can be found in gatling-test/target/gatling/