Prepare record and load records to elasticsearch
-u <LAST_RUN> Time the command was last run. Only load records with a modification date after this time
load all records based on :record_dirs_to_load and :record_pattern that have an modification time (File.mtime) that later than :last_run_updates
creates a new index and load it with the records based on :record_dirs_to_load and :record_pattern and :last_run_updates
will create a new index (settin, mappings, ...) and after indexing sets the alias to the es_index value.
=> ruby ./src/load_to_es.rb -c config.yml -d Twitter => ruby ./src/load_to_es.rb -c config.yml -t reindex => ruby ./src/load_to_es.rb -c config.yml -t update -d "GoPress/2021**" -u '2021-03-15 16:00' -p "demorgen" => /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f docker-compose-opendistro.yml run elastic_loader ruby /app/src/load_to_es.rb -c es_loader_config_opendistro.yml -t update -d Twitter/twitter_user_query_00003/2020 -u '2021-04-01 12:00' => docker-compose run --rm es_loader ruby /app/src/load_to_es.rb -c config.yml -d Twitter