Phantompy is a headless scriptable WebKit engine with a clean pythonic api.
WARNING: This project is abandoned due big design problems (python always works outside the QT eventloop, that makes some thins like js events management very ugly and some other things impossible). I can give the project to any one that want continue the development.
The package has two components:
- C++/C library which exposes a on-demand api to Qt5/QtWebkit (libphantompy)
- Python app that builds on top of libphantompy with ctypes
Tested with python: cpython-3.3, cpython-2.7 and pypy-2.0.1
Partial documentation available on:
A lot of features are proof of concept and need more work.
- Benjamin Torsten Jolitz (@benjolitz) for the many ideas submitted.
How truly headless is phantompy?
Thanks to Qt5 and QPA it's truly headless. You can run your apps without x11 with this environment variable:
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=minimal