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Release 0.9.9

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@uncleDecart uncleDecart released this 01 Jul 14:54
· 51 commits to master since this release

Release Note πŸ“

This release is improving CI/CD πŸš€ By specifying BuildJet runners which can run virtualisation test. It's still not completely stable, but it's a step towards this. We also add option to login into DockerHub to increate pull rate limit, since anonymous users are sharing pull rate limit with IP address, so technically in CI pipeline we will share limit of 100 with all the tenants, who are sharing IP pull of those runners. Also this release increases timeout for two nginx apps as previous ones were not enough for deploying apps on ZFS.

Improvements πŸ“ˆ

Bug fixes 🐞

Technical details πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»: