provides a simple and easy abstraction to build REST service.
is a very little library built on top of Liberator.
The main idea is too provide a simple and yet powerful abstraction over Liberator itself.
The project has just started thus it is not mature enough for any use.
- MongoDB layer
- bidi (routing) layer
- Authentication
- Manage Middleware
- GET search
- SQL layer
The project is still unusable for any non-trivial project.
However you can already have an idea of the way to use Ema
Create a new clojure project
lein new awesome-name
Make the project.clj look like this.
(defproject awesome-name "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url "http://example.com/FIXME"
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[ema "0.0.3"]] ;; added
:ring {:handler awesome-name.core/app}) ;;added
Note that I have added the dependecies and a ring handler.
At this point we need to generate our handler.
(ns awesome-name.core
(:require [ema.core :refer [ema]]))
(def setting
{:handler :bidi
:uri "mongodb://localhost:27017"
:database "ema"
:resources [{:key :mongo
:name "user"
:authentication :second
:item-entries [:get :patch :delete] ;; miss put
:collection-entries [:post :get]}
{:key :mongo
:database "session" ;; attention here
:name "session"
:item-entries [:put] ;; miss get patch delete
:collection-entries [:get :post]}]
:authentication {:second {:key :basic
:uri "https://www.auth.com/awesome-app"
:collection "user"
:username "username"
:password "password"}}})
(def app
(ema setting))
Now you need to run an instance of MongoDB in your machine, or just change the uri
key in something more appropriate, like the url of a cloud instance of MongoDB.
Now, if everything went smootly you are serving two REST resource, user
and session
Please note the configuration: you won't be able to put
on user
nor you will be able to get
, patch
and delete
a single session
Of course you can change that.
Also, user
and session
are not in the same database (in the mongodb meaning).
is in the "ema" database while session
is in the "session" database.
If you add other collections, let say author
and book
:name "authors"
:collection-entries [:post :get]
:list-entries [:get :put :patch]
:name "book"
:database "another-database"
:collection-entries [:post :get]
:list-entries [:get :put :patch]
will be under the "ema" database while book
will write in the "another-database".
simo@simo:~/ema$ curl -X POST -d "{\"siscia\" : \"pass\"}" http://localhost:3000/user
simo@simo:~/ema$ curl http://localhost:3000/user
As always contributing is very much welcome. Just send a Pull Request or Open an Issue.
Copyright © 2014 Simone Mosciatti
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0
Thanks to Emanuela Furfaro for being my muse.