Parse and edit your FreeBSD jail.conf file with python.
To install jailconf, simply:
pip3 install jailconf
jailconf requires Python 3.
import jailconf
Load the configuration from a path
conf = jailconf.load('/etc/jail.conf')
Load the configuration from a string
conf = jailconf.loads(open('/etc/jail.conf').read())
Create an empty configuration
conf = jailconf.JailConf()
The configuration is represented as a dictionnary (actually a subclass of OrderedDict).
Let's modify some settings.
The quoted strings in the configuration should be passed with the quotes. For example, to obtain the setting:
path = "/var/jail/$name";
you write:
conf['path'] = '"/var/jail/$name"'
The string should be exactly what you want to appear on the right side of the parameter name in the configuration file. If you want the value of a parameter to be a quoted string, you pass a string containing a quoted string. This allows you to specify what kind of quotes you want to see in the output configuration file (single quotes, double quotes, or no quote at all).
conf['exec.start'] = '"/bin/sh /etc/rc"'
conf['exec.stop'] = '"/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown"'
Boolean parameters. To obtain:
you write:
conf['exec.clean'] = True
conf['mount.devfs'] = True
Add a jail:
conf['myjail'] = jailconf.JailBlock([
('host.hostname', '""'),
('ip4.addr', ['', '', ''])
Modify a jail
conf['myjail']['ip4.addr'] = '' # this will be rendered as the line: ip4.addr =
# To set multiple ips, use a list:
conf['myjail']['ip4.addr'] = ['', '']
Delete a jail
del conf['uselessjail']
Iterate over jails
for name, jail_block in conf.jails():
jail_block['host.hostname'] = '"%s"' % name
Output the configuration as a string
>>> print(conf.dumps())
path = "/var/jail/$name"; exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc"; exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown"; exec.clean; mount.devfs; myjail { host.hostname = "myjail"; ip4.addr =,; }
Write the configuration to a file
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