- cheat sheet of probability and stats 1
- cheat sheet of probability and stats 2
- cheat sheet of probability
- causal inference mixtape
- econometrics II CMU
- NYU first year PhD metrics
- Introduction to Causal Inference
- MIT 14.771/ Harvard 2390b “Empirical Methods” handout
- Program Evaluation for Public Service
- econometrics with R
- A 4-day time series course
- Data analysis course slides
- ScPoMetrics online book
- Time Series econometrics
- Metrics notes from Peter Hull
- Stanford applied linear algebra
- UCLA math camp
- Introduction to Linear Algebra
- statistics for application, MIT OCW
- statistical inference
- theoritical stats
- R coder
- Gabors Data Analysis
- Stats 545 UBC
- Purrr package tutorial
- statistical computing in Duke University