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chore(Topology/Order): move&generalize 4 lemmas (#19238)
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Generalize lemmas from `CompleteLinearOrder` to
`ConditionallyCompleteLattice` or `ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder`.
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urkud committed Nov 22, 2024
1 parent b513113 commit ff67e33
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Showing 3 changed files with 38 additions and 38 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Measure/Typeclasses.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ theorem countable_meas_pos_of_disjoint_of_meas_iUnion_ne_top₀ {ι : Type*} {_
simp only [fairmeas]
simpa only [fairmeas_eq, posmeas_def, ← preimage_iUnion,
iUnion_Ici_eq_Ioi_of_lt_of_tendsto (0 : ℝ≥0∞) (fun n => (as_mem n).1) as_lim]
iUnion_Ici_eq_Ioi_of_lt_of_tendsto (fun n => (as_mem n).1) as_lim]
rw [countable_union]
refine countable_iUnion fun n => Finite.countable ?_
exact finite_const_le_meas_of_disjoint_iUnion₀ μ (as_mem n).1 As_mble As_disj Union_As_finite
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37 changes: 0 additions & 37 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/Order/LiminfLimsup.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -411,43 +411,6 @@ theorem Monotone.map_liminf_of_continuousAt {f : R → S} (f_incr : Monotone f)

end Monotone

section InfiAndSupr

open Topology

open Filter Set

variable [CompleteLinearOrder R] [TopologicalSpace R] [OrderTopology R]

theorem iInf_eq_of_forall_le_of_tendsto {x : R} {as : ι → R} (x_le : ∀ i, x ≤ as i) {F : Filter ι}
[Filter.NeBot F] (as_lim : Filter.Tendsto as F (𝓝 x)) : ⨅ i, as i = x := by
refine iInf_eq_of_forall_ge_of_forall_gt_exists_lt (fun i ↦ x_le i) ?_
apply fun w x_lt_w ↦ ‹Filter.NeBot F›.nonempty_of_mem (eventually_lt_of_tendsto_lt x_lt_w as_lim)

theorem iSup_eq_of_forall_le_of_tendsto {x : R} {as : ι → R} (le_x : ∀ i, as i ≤ x) {F : Filter ι}
[Filter.NeBot F] (as_lim : Filter.Tendsto as F (𝓝 x)) : ⨆ i, as i = x :=
iInf_eq_of_forall_le_of_tendsto (R := Rᵒᵈ) le_x as_lim

theorem iUnion_Ici_eq_Ioi_of_lt_of_tendsto (x : R) {as : ι → R} (x_lt : ∀ i, x < as i)
{F : Filter ι} [Filter.NeBot F] (as_lim : Filter.Tendsto as F (𝓝 x)) :
⋃ i : ι, Ici (as i) = Ioi x := by
have obs : x ∉ range as := by
intro maybe_x_is
rcases maybe_x_is with ⟨i, hi⟩
simpa only [hi, lt_self_iff_false] using x_lt i
-- Porting note: `rw at *` was too destructive. Let's only rewrite `obs` and the goal.
have := iInf_eq_of_forall_le_of_tendsto (fun i ↦ (x_lt i).le) as_lim
rw [← this] at obs
rw [← this]
exact iUnion_Ici_eq_Ioi_iInf obs

theorem iUnion_Iic_eq_Iio_of_lt_of_tendsto (x : R) {as : ι → R} (lt_x : ∀ i, as i < x)
{F : Filter ι} [Filter.NeBot F] (as_lim : Filter.Tendsto as F (𝓝 x)) :
⋃ i : ι, Iic (as i) = Iio x :=
iUnion_Ici_eq_Ioi_of_lt_of_tendsto (R := Rᵒᵈ) x lt_x as_lim

end InfiAndSupr

section Indicator

theorem limsup_eq_tendsto_sum_indicator_nat_atTop (s : ℕ → Set α) :
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Order/OrderClosed.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,6 +150,10 @@ theorem disjoint_nhds_atBot_iff : Disjoint (𝓝 a) atBot ↔ ¬IsBot a := by
refine disjoint_of_disjoint_of_mem disjoint_compl_left ?_ (Iic_mem_atBot b)
exact isClosed_Iic.isOpen_compl.mem_nhds hb

theorem IsLUB.range_of_tendsto {F : Filter β} [F.NeBot] (hle : ∀ i, f i ≤ a)
(hlim : Tendsto f F (𝓝 a)) : IsLUB (range f) a :=
⟨forall_mem_range.mpr hle, fun _c hc ↦ le_of_tendsto' hlim fun i ↦ hc <| mem_range_self i⟩

end Preorder

section NoBotOrder
Expand All @@ -170,6 +174,23 @@ theorem not_tendsto_atBot_of_tendsto_nhds (hf : Tendsto f l (𝓝 a)) : ¬Tendst

end NoBotOrder

theorem iSup_eq_of_forall_le_of_tendsto {ι : Type*} {F : Filter ι} [Filter.NeBot F]
[ConditionallyCompleteLattice α] [TopologicalSpace α] [ClosedIicTopology α]
{a : α} {f : ι → α} (hle : ∀ i, f i ≤ a) (hlim : Filter.Tendsto f F (𝓝 a)) :
⨆ i, f i = a :=
have := F.nonempty_of_neBot
(IsLUB.range_of_tendsto hle hlim).ciSup_eq

theorem iUnion_Iic_eq_Iio_of_lt_of_tendsto {ι : Type*} {F : Filter ι} [F.NeBot]
[ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder α] [TopologicalSpace α] [ClosedIicTopology α]
{a : α} {f : ι → α} (hlt : ∀ i, f i < a) (hlim : Tendsto f F (𝓝 a)) :
⋃ i : ι, Iic (f i) = Iio a := by
have obs : a ∉ range f := by
rw [mem_range]
rintro ⟨i, rfl⟩
exact (hlt i).false
rw [← biUnion_range, (IsLUB.range_of_tendsto (le_of_lt <| hlt ·) hlim).biUnion_Iic_eq_Iio obs]

section LinearOrder

variable [TopologicalSpace α] [LinearOrder α] [ClosedIicTopology α] [TopologicalSpace β]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,6 +397,10 @@ protected alias ⟨_, BddBelow.closure⟩ := bddBelow_closure
theorem disjoint_nhds_atTop_iff : Disjoint (𝓝 a) atTop ↔ ¬IsTop a :=
disjoint_nhds_atBot_iff (α := αᵒᵈ)

theorem IsGLB.range_of_tendsto {F : Filter β} [F.NeBot] (hle : ∀ i, a ≤ f i)
(hlim : Tendsto f F (𝓝 a)) : IsGLB (range f) a :=
IsLUB.range_of_tendsto (α := αᵒᵈ) hle hlim

end Preorder

section NoTopOrder
Expand All @@ -396,6 +421,18 @@ theorem not_tendsto_atTop_of_tendsto_nhds (hf : Tendsto f l (𝓝 a)) : ¬Tendst

end NoTopOrder

theorem iInf_eq_of_forall_le_of_tendsto {ι : Type*} {F : Filter ι} [F.NeBot]
[ConditionallyCompleteLattice α] [TopologicalSpace α] [ClosedIciTopology α]
{a : α} {f : ι → α} (hle : ∀ i, a ≤ f i) (hlim : Tendsto f F (𝓝 a)) :
⨅ i, f i = a :=
iSup_eq_of_forall_le_of_tendsto (α := αᵒᵈ) hle hlim

theorem iUnion_Ici_eq_Ioi_of_lt_of_tendsto {ι : Type*} {F : Filter ι} [F.NeBot]
[ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder α] [TopologicalSpace α] [ClosedIciTopology α]
{a : α} {f : ι → α} (hlt : ∀ i, a < f i) (hlim : Tendsto f F (𝓝 a)) :
⋃ i : ι, Ici (f i) = Ioi a :=
iUnion_Iic_eq_Iio_of_lt_of_tendsto (α := αᵒᵈ) hlt hlim

section LinearOrder

variable [TopologicalSpace α] [LinearOrder α] [ClosedIciTopology α] [TopologicalSpace β]
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