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feat(RingTheory/MvPolynomial/Groebner): division algorithm wrt monomi…
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Formalize the division algorithm with respect to a monomial order

This is part of an ongoing work to formalize Groebner theory.
For the moment, only the lexicographic order is present in mathlib, but 
subsequent PRs will introduce the homogeneous lexicographic order and the homogeneous
reverse lexicographic order.
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AntoineChambert-Loir committed Dec 4, 2024
1 parent 61bb98a commit ea51583
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Showing 5 changed files with 644 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4433,9 +4433,11 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.EulerIdentity
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.FreeCommRing
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Groebner
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Homogeneous
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Ideal
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Localization
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.MonomialOrder
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Symmetric.Defs
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Symmetric.FundamentalTheorem
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Symmetric.NewtonIdentities
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Data/Finset/Lattice/Fold.lean
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Expand Up @@ -634,6 +634,22 @@ protected theorem sup_lt_iff (ha : ⊥ < a) : s.sup f < a ↔ ∀ b ∈ s, f b <
Finset.cons_induction_on s (fun _ => ha) fun c t hc => by
simpa only [sup_cons, sup_lt_iff, mem_cons, forall_eq_or_imp] using And.imp_right⟩

theorem sup_mem_of_nonempty (hs : s.Nonempty) : s.sup f ∈ f '' s := by
induction s using Finset.induction with
| empty => exfalso; simp only [Finset.not_nonempty_empty] at hs
| @insert a s _ h =>
rw [Finset.sup_insert (b := a) (s := s) (f := f)]
by_cases hs : s = ∅
· simp [hs]
· rw [← ne_eq, ← Finset.nonempty_iff_ne_empty] at hs
simp only [Finset.coe_insert]
rcases le_total (f a) (s.sup f) with (ha | ha)
· rw [sup_eq_right.mpr ha]
exact Set.image_mono (Set.subset_insert a s) (h hs)
· rw [sup_eq_left.mpr ha]
apply Set.mem_image_of_mem _ (Set.mem_insert a ↑s)

end OrderBot

section OrderTop
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Data/Finsupp/MonomialOrder.lean
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Expand Up @@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ example : toLex (Finsupp.single 1 1) < toLex (Finsupp.single 0 1) := by
example : toLex (Finsupp.single 1 1) < toLex (Finsupp.single 0 2) := by
use 0; simp

variable {σ : Type*} [LinearOrder σ]

/-- The lexicographic order on `σ →₀ ℕ`, as a `MonomialOrder` -/
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238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/MvPolynomial/Groebner.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Antoine Chambert-Loir. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Antoine Chambert-Loir
import Mathlib.Data.Finsupp.Lex
import Mathlib.Data.Finsupp.MonomialOrder
import Mathlib.Data.Finsupp.WellFounded
import Mathlib.Data.List.TFAE
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Homogeneous
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.MonomialOrder

/-! # Division algorithm with respect to monomial orders
We provide a division algorithm with respect to monomial orders in polynomial rings.
Let `R` be a commutative ring, `σ` a type of indeterminates and `m : MonomialOrder σ`
a monomial ordering on `σ →₀ ℕ`.
Consider a family of polynomials `b : ι → MvPolynomial σ R` with invertible leading coefficients
(with respect to `m`) : we assume `hb : ∀ i, IsUnit (m.lCoeff (b i))`).
* `MonomialOrder.div hb f` furnishes
- a finitely supported family `g : ι →₀ MvPolynomial σ R`
- and a “remainder” `r : MvPolynomial σ R`
such that the three properties hold:
(1) One has `f = ∑ (g i) * (b i) + r`
(2) For every `i`, ` ((g i) * (b i)` is less than or equal to that of `f`
(3) For every `i`, every monomial in the support of `r` is strictly smaller
than the leading term of `b i`,
The proof is done by induction, using two standard constructions
* `MonomialOrder.subLTerm f` deletes the leading term of a polynomial `f`
* `MonomialOrder.reduce hb f` subtracts from `f` the appropriate multiple of `b : MvPolynomial σ R`,
provided `IsUnit (m.lCoeff b)`.
* `MonomialOrder.div_set` is the variant of `MonomialOrder.div` for a set of polynomials.
## Reference : [Becker-Weispfenning1993]
* Prove that under `Field F`, `IsUnit (m.lCoeff (b i))` is equivalent to `b i ≠ 0`.

namespace MonomialOrder

open MvPolynomial

open scoped MonomialOrder

variable {σ : Type*} {m : MonomialOrder σ} {R : Type*} [CommRing R]

variable (m) in
/-- Delete the leading term in a multivariate polynomial (for some monomial order) -/
noncomputable def subLTerm (f : MvPolynomial σ R) : MvPolynomial σ R :=
f - monomial ( f) (m.lCoeff f)

theorem degree_sub_LTerm_le (f : MvPolynomial σ R) : (m.subLTerm f) ≼[m] f := by
apply le_trans degree_sub_le
simp only [sup_le_iff, le_refl, true_and]
apply degree_monomial_le

theorem degree_sub_LTerm_lt {f : MvPolynomial σ R} (hf : f ≠ 0) : (m.subLTerm f) ≺[m] f := by
rw [lt_iff_le_and_ne]
refine ⟨degree_sub_LTerm_le f, ?_⟩
intro hf'
simp only [EmbeddingLike.apply_eq_iff_eq] at hf'
have : m.subLTerm f ≠ 0 := by
intro h
simp only [h, degree_zero] at hf'
exact hf hf'.symm
rw [← coeff_degree_ne_zero_iff (m := m), hf'] at this
apply this
simp [subLTerm, coeff_monomial, lCoeff]

variable (m) in
/-- Reduce a polynomial modulo a polynomial with unit leading term (for some monomial order) -/
noncomputable def reduce {b : MvPolynomial σ R} (hb : IsUnit (m.lCoeff b)) (f : MvPolynomial σ R) :
MvPolynomial σ R :=
f - monomial ( f - b) (hb.unit⁻¹ * m.lCoeff f) * b

theorem degree_reduce_lt {f b : MvPolynomial σ R} (hb : IsUnit (m.lCoeff b))
(hbf : b ≤ f) (hf : f ≠ 0) : (m.reduce hb f) ≺[m] f := by
have H : f = ((monomial ( f - b)) (hb.unit⁻¹ * m.lCoeff f)) + b := by
rw [degree_monomial, if_neg]
· ext d
rw [tsub_add_cancel_of_le hbf]
· simp only [Units.mul_right_eq_zero, lCoeff_eq_zero_iff]
intro hf0
apply hf
simp [hf0]
have H' : coeff ( f) (m.reduce hb f) = 0 := by
simp only [reduce, coeff_sub, sub_eq_zero]
nth_rewrite 2 [H]
rw [coeff_mul_of_degree_add (m := m), lCoeff_monomial]
rw [mul_comm, ← mul_assoc]
simp only [IsUnit.mul_val_inv, one_mul]
rw [lt_iff_le_and_ne]
· classical
apply le_trans degree_sub_le
simp only [sup_le_iff, le_refl, true_and]
apply le_of_le_of_eq degree_mul_le
rw [m.toSyn.injective.eq_iff]
exact H.symm
· intro K
simp only [EmbeddingLike.apply_eq_iff_eq] at K
nth_rewrite 1 [← K] at H'
change lCoeff m _ = 0 at H'
rw [lCoeff_eq_zero_iff] at H'
rw [H', degree_zero] at K
exact hf K.symm

theorem div {ι : Type*} {b : ι → MvPolynomial σ R}
(hb : ∀ i, IsUnit (m.lCoeff (b i))) (f : MvPolynomial σ R) :
∃ (g : ι →₀ (MvPolynomial σ R)) (r : MvPolynomial σ R),
f = Finsupp.linearCombination _ b g + r ∧
(∀ i, (b i * (g i)) ≼[m] f) ∧
(∀ c ∈, ∀ i, ¬ ( (b i) ≤ c)) := by
by_cases hb' : ∃ i, (b i) = 0
· obtain ⟨i, hb0⟩ := hb'
use Finsupp.single i ((hb i).unit⁻¹ • f), 0
· simp only [Finsupp.linearCombination_single, smul_eq_mul, add_zero]
simp only [smul_mul_assoc, ← smul_eq_iff_eq_inv_smul, Units.smul_isUnit]
nth_rewrite 2 [eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero hb0]
rw [mul_comm, smul_eq_C_mul]
· intro j
by_cases hj : j = i
· apply le_trans degree_mul_le
simp only [hj, hb0, Finsupp.single_eq_same, zero_add]
apply le_of_eq
simp only [EmbeddingLike.apply_eq_iff_eq]
apply degree_smul (Units.isRegular _)
· simp only [Finsupp.single_eq_of_ne (Ne.symm hj), mul_zero, degree_zero, map_zero]
apply bot_le
· simp
push_neg at hb'
by_cases hf0 : f = 0
· refine ⟨0, 0, by simp [hf0], ?_, by simp⟩
intro b
simp only [Finsupp.coe_zero, Pi.zero_apply, mul_zero, degree_zero, map_zero]
exact bot_le
by_cases hf : ∃ i, (b i) ≤ f
· obtain ⟨i, hf⟩ := hf
have deg_reduce : (m.reduce (hb i) f) ≺[m] f := by
apply degree_reduce_lt (hb i) hf
intro hf0'
apply hb' i
simpa [hf0'] using hf
obtain ⟨g', r', H'⟩ := div hb (m.reduce (hb i) f)
use g' +
Finsupp.single i (monomial ( f - (b i)) ((hb i).unit⁻¹ * m.lCoeff f))
use r'
· rw [map_add, add_assoc, add_comm _ r', ← add_assoc, ← H'.1]
simp [reduce]
· rintro j
simp only [Finsupp.coe_add, Pi.add_apply]
rw [mul_add]
apply le_trans degree_add_le
simp only [sup_le_iff]
· exact le_trans (H'.2.1 _) (le_of_lt deg_reduce)
· classical
rw [Finsupp.single_apply]
split_ifs with hc
· apply le_trans degree_mul_le
simp only [map_add]
apply le_of_le_of_eq (add_le_add_left (degree_monomial_le _) _)
simp only [← hc]
rw [← map_add, m.toSyn.injective.eq_iff]
rw [add_tsub_cancel_of_le]
exact hf
· simp only [mul_zero, degree_zero, map_zero]
exact bot_le
· exact H'.2.2
· push_neg at hf
suffices ∃ (g' : ι →₀ MvPolynomial σ R), ∃ r',
(m.subLTerm f = Finsupp.linearCombination (MvPolynomial σ R) b g' + r') ∧
(∀ i, ((b i) * (g' i)) ≼[m] (m.subLTerm f)) ∧
(∀ c ∈ r'.support, ∀ i, ¬ (b i) ≤ c) by
obtain ⟨g', r', H'⟩ := this
use g', r' + monomial ( f) (m.lCoeff f)
· simp [← add_assoc, ← H'.1, subLTerm]
· exact fun b ↦ le_trans (H'.2.1 b) (degree_sub_LTerm_le f)
· intro c hc i
by_cases hc' : c ∈ r'.support
· exact H'.2.2 c hc' i
· convert hf i
have := MvPolynomial.support_add hc
rw [Finset.mem_union, Classical.or_iff_not_imp_left] at this
simpa only [Finset.mem_singleton] using support_monomial_subset (this hc')
by_cases hf'0 : m.subLTerm f = 0
· refine ⟨0, 0, by simp [hf'0], ?_, by simp⟩
intro b
simp only [Finsupp.coe_zero, Pi.zero_apply, mul_zero, degree_zero, map_zero]
exact bot_le
· exact (div hb) (m.subLTerm f)
termination_by WellFounded.wrap
((isWellFounded_iff m.syn fun x x_1 ↦ x < x_1).mp (m.toSyn ( f))
· exact deg_reduce
· apply degree_sub_LTerm_lt
intro hf0
apply hf'0
simp only [subLTerm, sub_eq_zero]
nth_rewrite 1 [eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero hf0, hf0]

theorem div_set {B : Set (MvPolynomial σ R)}
(hB : ∀ b ∈ B, IsUnit (m.lCoeff b)) (f : MvPolynomial σ R) :
∃ (g : B →₀ (MvPolynomial σ R)) (r : MvPolynomial σ R),
f = Finsupp.linearCombination _ (fun (b : B) ↦ (b : MvPolynomial σ R)) g + r ∧
(∀ (b : B), ((b : MvPolynomial σ R) * (g b)) ≼[m] f) ∧
(∀ c ∈, ∀ b ∈ B, ¬ ( b ≤ c)) := by
obtain ⟨g, r, H⟩ := m.div (b := fun (p : B) ↦ p) (fun b ↦ hB b b.prop) f
exact ⟨g, r, H.1, H.2.1, fun c hc b hb ↦ H.2.2 c hc ⟨b, hb⟩⟩

end MonomialOrder


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