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feat(KrullDimension): concrete calculations (#19210)
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Part of #15524. This adds concrete calculations of the height and Krull Dimension for Nat, Int, WithTop, WithBot and ENat.

From the Carleson project.
  • Loading branch information
nomeata committed Nov 20, 2024
1 parent 9da2651 commit cd4d218
Showing 1 changed file with 156 additions and 2 deletions.
158 changes: 156 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Order/KrullDimension.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang, Fangming Li, Joachim Breitner

import Mathlib.Order.RelSeries
import Mathlib.Order.Minimal
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Group.Int
import Mathlib.Data.ENat.Lattice
import Mathlib.Order.Minimal
import Mathlib.Order.RelSeries

# Krull dimension of a preordered set and height of an element
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -648,4 +649,157 @@ lemma coheight_bot_eq_krullDim [OrderBot α] : coheight (⊥ : α) = krullDim α

end krullDim

## Concrete calculations

section calculations

variable {α : Type*} [Preorder α]

These two lemmas could possibly be used to simplify the subsequent calculations,
especially once the `Set.encard` api is richer.
(Commented out to avoid importing modules purely for `proof_wanted`.)
proof_wanted height_of_linearOrder {α : Type*} [LinearOrder α] (a : α) :
height a = (Set.Iio a).encard
proof_wanted coheight_of_linearOrder {α : Type*} [LinearOrder α] (a : α) :
coheight a = (Set.Ioi a).encard

@[simp] lemma height_nat (n : ℕ) : height n = n := by
induction n using Nat.strongRecOn with | ind n ih =>
apply le_antisymm
· apply height_le_coe_iff.mpr
simp +contextual only [ih, Nat.cast_lt, implies_true]
· exact length_le_height_last (p := LTSeries.range n)

@[simp] lemma coheight_of_noMaxOrder [NoMaxOrder α] (a : α) : coheight a = ⊤ := by
obtain ⟨f, hstrictmono⟩ := Nat.exists_strictMono ↑(Set.Ioi a)
apply coheight_eq_top_iff.mpr
intro m
use {length := m, toFun := fun i => if i = 0 then a else f i, step := ?step }
case h => simp [RelSeries.head]
case step =>
intro ⟨i, hi⟩
by_cases hzero : i = 0
· subst i
exact (f 1).prop
· suffices f i < f (i + 1) by simp [Fin.ext_iff, hzero, this]
apply hstrictmono

@[simp] lemma height_of_noMinOrder [NoMinOrder α] (a : α) : height a = ⊤ :=
-- Implementation note: Here it's a bit easier to define the coheight variant first
coheight_of_noMaxOrder (α := αᵒᵈ) a

@[simp] lemma krullDim_of_noMaxOrder [Nonempty α] [NoMaxOrder α] : krullDim α = ⊤ := by
simp [krullDim_eq_iSup_coheight, coheight_of_noMaxOrder]

@[simp] lemma krullDim_of_noMinOrder [Nonempty α] [NoMinOrder α] : krullDim α = ⊤ := by
simp [krullDim_eq_iSup_height, height_of_noMinOrder]

lemma coheight_nat (n : ℕ) : coheight n = ⊤ := coheight_of_noMaxOrder ..

lemma krullDim_nat : krullDim ℕ = ⊤ := krullDim_of_noMaxOrder ..

lemma height_int (n : ℤ) : height n = ⊤ := height_of_noMinOrder ..

lemma coheight_int (n : ℤ) : coheight n = ⊤ := coheight_of_noMaxOrder ..

lemma krullDim_int : krullDim ℤ = ⊤ := krullDim_of_noMaxOrder ..

@[simp] lemma height_coe_withBot (x : α) : height (x : WithBot α) = height x + 1 := by
apply le_antisymm
· apply height_le
intro p hlast
wlog hlenpos : p.length ≠ 0
· simp_all
-- essentially p' := (p.drop 1).map unbot
let p' : LTSeries α := {
length := p.length - 1
toFun := fun ⟨i, hi⟩ => (p ⟨i+1, by omega⟩).unbot (by
apply (a := p.head)
apply p.strictMono
exact rfl)
step := fun i => by simpa [WithBot.unbot_lt_iff] using p.step ⟨i + 1, by omega⟩ }
have hlast' : p'.last = x := by
simp only [RelSeries.last, Fin.val_last, WithBot.unbot_eq_iff, ← hlast, Fin.last]
suffices p'.length ≤ height p'.last by
simpa [p', hlast'] using this
apply length_le_height_last
· rw [height_add_const]
apply iSup₂_le
intro p hlast
let p' := ( _ WithBot.coe_strictMono).cons ⊥ (by simp)
apply le_iSup₂_of_le p' (by simp [p', hlast]) (by simp [p'])

@[simp] lemma coheight_coe_withTop (x : α) : coheight (x : WithTop α) = coheight x + 1 :=
height_coe_withBot (α := αᵒᵈ) x

@[simp] lemma height_coe_withTop (x : α) : height (x : WithTop α) = height x := by
apply le_antisymm
· apply height_le
intro p hlast
-- essentially p' := untop
let p' : LTSeries α := {
length := p.length
toFun := fun i => (p i).untop (by
apply lt_of_le_of_lt
· exact p.monotone (Fin.le_last _)
· rw [RelSeries.last] at hlast
simp [hlast])
step := fun i => by simpa only [WithTop.untop_lt_iff, WithTop.coe_untop] using p.step i }
have hlast' : p'.last = x := by
simp only [RelSeries.last, Fin.val_last, WithTop.untop_eq_iff, ← hlast]
suffices p'.length ≤ height p'.last by
rw [hlast'] at this
simpa [p'] using this
apply length_le_height_last
· apply height_le
intro p hlast
let p' := _ WithTop.coe_strictMono
apply le_iSup₂_of_le p' (by simp [p', hlast]) (by simp [p'])

@[simp] lemma coheight_coe_withBot (x : α) : coheight (x : WithBot α) = coheight x :=
height_coe_withTop (α := αᵒᵈ) x

@[simp] lemma krullDim_WithTop [Nonempty α] : krullDim (WithTop α) = krullDim α + 1 := by
rw [← height_top_eq_krullDim, krullDim_eq_iSup_height_of_nonempty, height_eq_iSup_lt_height]
simp_rw [WithTop.lt_top_iff_ne_top]
rw [ENat.iSup_add, iSup_subtype']
apply Equiv.withTopSubtypeNe.symm.iSup_congr

@[simp] lemma krullDim_withBot [Nonempty α] : krullDim (WithBot α) = krullDim α + 1 := by
conv_lhs => rw [← krullDim_orderDual]
conv_rhs => rw [← krullDim_orderDual]
exact krullDim_WithTop (α := αᵒᵈ)

lemma krullDim_enat : krullDim ℕ∞ = ⊤ := by
show (krullDim (WithTop ℕ) = ⊤)
simp only [krullDim_WithTop, krullDim_nat]

lemma height_enat (n : ℕ∞) : height n = n := by
cases n with
| top => simp only [← WithBot.coe_eq_coe, height_top_eq_krullDim, krullDim_enat, WithBot.coe_top]
| coe n => exact (height_coe_withTop _).trans (height_nat _)

lemma coheight_coe_enat (n : ℕ) : coheight (n : ℕ∞) = ⊤ := by
apply (coheight_coe_withTop _).trans
simp only [Nat.cast_id, coheight_nat, top_add]

end calculations

end Order

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