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chore(SchwartzSpace): clean up white space (#19336)
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Definitions in term mode using `mkCLM` are indented by 6 spaces, but formulating things with `refine` drops it to a more reasonable 2 spaces. Absolutely no math change, just unindenting.
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sgouezel committed Nov 22, 2024
1 parent fe0e8bc commit 981dca5
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 120 deletions.
234 changes: 114 additions & 120 deletions Mathlib/Analysis/Distribution/SchwartzSpace.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -764,53 +764,51 @@ variable [NormedAddCommGroup G] [NormedSpace ℝ G]
/-- The map `f ↦ (x ↦ B (f x) (g x))` as a continuous `𝕜`-linear map on Schwartz space,
where `B` is a continuous `𝕜`-linear map and `g` is a function of temperate growth. -/
def bilinLeftCLM (B : E →L[ℝ] F →L[ℝ] G) {g : D → F} (hg : g.HasTemperateGrowth) :
𝓢(D, E) →L[ℝ] 𝓢(D, G) :=
𝓢(D, E) →L[ℝ] 𝓢(D, G) := by
-- Todo (after port): generalize to `B : E →L[𝕜] F →L[𝕜] G` and `𝕜`-linear
(fun f x => B (f x) (g x))
refine mkCLM (fun f x => B (f x) (g x))
(fun _ _ _ => by
simp only [map_add, add_left_inj, Pi.add_apply, eq_self_iff_true,
(fun _ _ _ => by
simp only [smul_apply, map_smul, ContinuousLinearMap.coe_smul', Pi.smul_apply,
(fun f => (B.isBoundedBilinearMap.contDiff.restrict_scalars ℝ).comp (f.smooth'.prod hg.1))
rintro ⟨k, n⟩
rcases hg.norm_iteratedFDeriv_le_uniform_aux n with ⟨l, C, hC, hgrowth⟩
Finset.Iic (l + k, n), ‖B‖ * ((n : ℝ) + (1 : ℝ)) * n.choose (n / 2) * (C * 2 ^ (l + k)),
by positivity
intro f x
have hxk : 0 ≤ ‖x‖ ^ k := by positivity
have hnorm_mul :=
ContinuousLinearMap.norm_iteratedFDeriv_le_of_bilinear B f.smooth' hg.1 x (n := n) le_top
refine le_trans (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hnorm_mul hxk) ?_
move_mul [← ‖B‖]
simp_rw [mul_assoc ‖B‖]
gcongr _ * ?_
rw [Finset.mul_sum]
have : (∑ _x ∈ Finset.range (n + 1), (1 : ℝ)) = n + 1 := by simp
simp_rw [mul_assoc ((n : ℝ) + 1)]
rw [← this, Finset.sum_mul]
refine Finset.sum_le_sum fun i hi => ?_
simp only [one_mul]
move_mul [(Nat.choose n i : ℝ), (Nat.choose n (n / 2) : ℝ)]
gcongr ?_ * ?_
· norm_cast
exact i.choose_le_middle n
specialize hgrowth (n - i) (by simp only [tsub_le_self]) x
refine le_trans (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hgrowth (by positivity)) ?_
move_mul [C]
gcongr ?_ * C
rw [Finset.mem_range_succ_iff] at hi
change i ≤ (l + k, n).snd at hi
refine le_trans ?_ (one_add_le_sup_seminorm_apply le_rfl hi f x)
rw [pow_add]
move_mul [(1 + ‖x‖) ^ l]
(fun f => (B.isBoundedBilinearMap.contDiff.restrict_scalars ℝ).comp (f.smooth'.prod hg.1)) ?_
rintro ⟨k, n⟩
rcases hg.norm_iteratedFDeriv_le_uniform_aux n with ⟨l, C, hC, hgrowth⟩
Finset.Iic (l + k, n), ‖B‖ * ((n : ℝ) + (1 : ℝ)) * n.choose (n / 2) * (C * 2 ^ (l + k)),
by positivity
intro f x
have hxk : 0 ≤ ‖x‖ ^ k := by positivity
have hnorm_mul :=
ContinuousLinearMap.norm_iteratedFDeriv_le_of_bilinear B f.smooth' hg.1 x (n := n) le_top
refine le_trans (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hnorm_mul hxk) ?_
move_mul [← ‖B‖]
simp_rw [mul_assoc ‖B‖]
gcongr _ * ?_
rw [Finset.mul_sum]
have : (∑ _x ∈ Finset.range (n + 1), (1 : ℝ)) = n + 1 := by simp
simp_rw [mul_assoc ((n : ℝ) + 1)]
rw [← this, Finset.sum_mul]
refine Finset.sum_le_sum fun i hi => ?_
simp only [one_mul]
move_mul [(Nat.choose n i : ℝ), (Nat.choose n (n / 2) : ℝ)]
gcongr ?_ * ?_
· norm_cast
exact i.choose_le_middle n
specialize hgrowth (n - i) (by simp only [tsub_le_self]) x
refine le_trans (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hgrowth (by positivity)) ?_
move_mul [C]
gcongr ?_ * C
rw [Finset.mem_range_succ_iff] at hi
change i ≤ (l + k, n).snd at hi
refine le_trans ?_ (one_add_le_sup_seminorm_apply le_rfl hi f x)
rw [pow_add]
move_mul [(1 + ‖x‖) ^ l]

end Multiplication

Expand All @@ -824,68 +822,67 @@ variable [NormedSpace 𝕜 F] [SMulCommClass ℝ 𝕜 F]
/-- Composition with a function on the right is a continuous linear map on Schwartz space
provided that the function is temperate and growths polynomially near infinity. -/
def compCLM {g : D → E} (hg : g.HasTemperateGrowth)
(hg_upper : ∃ (k : ℕ) (C : ℝ), ∀ x, ‖x‖ ≤ C * (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k) : 𝓢(E, F) →L[𝕜] 𝓢(D, F) :=
mkCLM (fun f x => f (g x))
(hg_upper : ∃ (k : ℕ) (C : ℝ), ∀ x, ‖x‖ ≤ C * (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k) : 𝓢(E, F) →L[𝕜] 𝓢(D, F) := by
refine mkCLM (fun f x => f (g x))
(fun _ _ _ => by simp only [add_left_inj, Pi.add_apply, eq_self_iff_true]) (fun _ _ _ => rfl)
(fun f => f.smooth'.comp hg.1)
rintro ⟨k, n⟩
rcases hg.norm_iteratedFDeriv_le_uniform_aux n with ⟨l, C, hC, hgrowth⟩
rcases hg_upper with ⟨kg, Cg, hg_upper'⟩
have hCg : 11 + Cg := by
refine le_add_of_nonneg_right ?_
specialize hg_upper' 0
rw [norm_zero] at hg_upper'
exact nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_left hg_upper' (by positivity)
let k' := kg * (k + l * n)
use Finset.Iic (k', n), (1 + Cg) ^ (k + l * n) * ((C + 1) ^ n * n ! * 2 ^ k'), by positivity
intro f x
let seminorm_f := ((Finset.Iic (k', n)).sup (schwartzSeminormFamily 𝕜 _ _)) f
have hg_upper'' : (1 + ‖x‖) ^ (k + l * n) ≤ (1 + Cg) ^ (k + l * n) * (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' := by
rw [pow_mul, ← mul_pow]
rw [add_mul]
refine add_le_add ?_ (hg_upper' x)
nth_rw 1 [← one_mul (1 : ℝ)]
apply one_le_pow₀
simp only [le_add_iff_nonneg_right, norm_nonneg]
have hbound :
∀ i, i ≤ n → ‖iteratedFDeriv ℝ i f (g x)‖ ≤ 2 ^ k' * seminorm_f / (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' := by
intro i hi
have hpos : 0 < (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' := by positivity
rw [le_div_iff₀' hpos]
change i ≤ (k', n).snd at hi
exact one_add_le_sup_seminorm_apply le_rfl hi _ _
have hgrowth' : ∀ N : ℕ, 1 ≤ N → N ≤ n →
‖iteratedFDeriv ℝ N g x‖ ≤ ((C + 1) * (1 + ‖x‖) ^ l) ^ N := by
intro N hN₁ hN₂
refine (hgrowth N hN₂ x).trans ?_
rw [mul_pow]
have hN₁' := (lt_of_lt_of_le zero_lt_one hN₁).ne'
· exact le_trans (by simp [hC]) (le_self_pow₀ (by simp [hC]) hN₁')
· refine le_self_pow₀ (one_le_pow₀ ?_) hN₁'
simp only [le_add_iff_nonneg_right, norm_nonneg]
have := norm_iteratedFDeriv_comp_le f.smooth' hg.1 le_top x hbound hgrowth'
have hxk : ‖x‖ ^ k ≤ (1 + ‖x‖) ^ k :=
pow_le_pow_left₀ (norm_nonneg _) (by simp only [zero_le_one, le_add_iff_nonneg_left]) _
refine le_trans (mul_le_mul hxk this (by positivity) (by positivity)) ?_
have rearrange :
(1 + ‖x‖) ^ k *
(n ! * (2 ^ k' * seminorm_f / (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k') * ((C + 1) * (1 + ‖x‖) ^ l) ^ n) =
(1 + ‖x‖) ^ (k + l * n) / (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' *
((C + 1) ^ n * n ! * 2 ^ k' * seminorm_f) := by
rw [mul_pow, pow_add, ← pow_mul]
rw [rearrange]
have hgxk' : 0 < (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' := by positivity
rw [← div_le_iff₀ hgxk'] at hg_upper''
have hpos : (0 : ℝ) ≤ (C + 1) ^ n * n ! * 2 ^ k' * seminorm_f := by
have : 0 ≤ seminorm_f := apply_nonneg _ _
refine le_trans (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right hg_upper'' hpos) ?_
rw [← mul_assoc])
(fun f => f.smooth'.comp hg.1) ?_
rintro ⟨k, n⟩
rcases hg.norm_iteratedFDeriv_le_uniform_aux n with ⟨l, C, hC, hgrowth⟩
rcases hg_upper with ⟨kg, Cg, hg_upper'⟩
have hCg : 11 + Cg := by
refine le_add_of_nonneg_right ?_
specialize hg_upper' 0
rw [norm_zero] at hg_upper'
exact nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_left hg_upper' (by positivity)
let k' := kg * (k + l * n)
use Finset.Iic (k', n), (1 + Cg) ^ (k + l * n) * ((C + 1) ^ n * n ! * 2 ^ k'), by positivity
intro f x
let seminorm_f := ((Finset.Iic (k', n)).sup (schwartzSeminormFamily 𝕜 _ _)) f
have hg_upper'' : (1 + ‖x‖) ^ (k + l * n) ≤ (1 + Cg) ^ (k + l * n) * (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' := by
rw [pow_mul, ← mul_pow]
rw [add_mul]
refine add_le_add ?_ (hg_upper' x)
nth_rw 1 [← one_mul (1 : ℝ)]
apply one_le_pow₀
simp only [le_add_iff_nonneg_right, norm_nonneg]
have hbound :
∀ i, i ≤ n → ‖iteratedFDeriv ℝ i f (g x)‖ ≤ 2 ^ k' * seminorm_f / (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' := by
intro i hi
have hpos : 0 < (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' := by positivity
rw [le_div_iff₀' hpos]
change i ≤ (k', n).snd at hi
exact one_add_le_sup_seminorm_apply le_rfl hi _ _
have hgrowth' : ∀ N : ℕ, 1 ≤ N → N ≤ n →
‖iteratedFDeriv ℝ N g x‖ ≤ ((C + 1) * (1 + ‖x‖) ^ l) ^ N := by
intro N hN₁ hN₂
refine (hgrowth N hN₂ x).trans ?_
rw [mul_pow]
have hN₁' := (lt_of_lt_of_le zero_lt_one hN₁).ne'
· exact le_trans (by simp [hC]) (le_self_pow₀ (by simp [hC]) hN₁')
· refine le_self_pow₀ (one_le_pow₀ ?_) hN₁'
simp only [le_add_iff_nonneg_right, norm_nonneg]
have := norm_iteratedFDeriv_comp_le f.smooth' hg.1 le_top x hbound hgrowth'
have hxk : ‖x‖ ^ k ≤ (1 + ‖x‖) ^ k :=
pow_le_pow_left₀ (norm_nonneg _) (by simp only [zero_le_one, le_add_iff_nonneg_left]) _
refine le_trans (mul_le_mul hxk this (by positivity) (by positivity)) ?_
have rearrange :
(1 + ‖x‖) ^ k *
(n ! * (2 ^ k' * seminorm_f / (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k') * ((C + 1) * (1 + ‖x‖) ^ l) ^ n) =
(1 + ‖x‖) ^ (k + l * n) / (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' *
((C + 1) ^ n * n ! * 2 ^ k' * seminorm_f) := by
rw [mul_pow, pow_add, ← pow_mul]
rw [rearrange]
have hgxk' : 0 < (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k' := by positivity
rw [← div_le_iff₀ hgxk'] at hg_upper''
have hpos : (0 : ℝ) ≤ (C + 1) ^ n * n ! * 2 ^ k' * seminorm_f := by
have : 0 ≤ seminorm_f := apply_nonneg _ _
refine le_trans (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right hg_upper'' hpos) ?_
rw [← mul_assoc]

@[simp] lemma compCLM_apply {g : D → E} (hg : g.HasTemperateGrowth)
(hg_upper : ∃ (k : ℕ) (C : ℝ), ∀ x, ‖x‖ ≤ C * (1 + ‖g x‖) ^ k) (f : 𝓢(E, F)) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1070,25 +1067,22 @@ lemma integrable (f : 𝓢(D, V)) : Integrable f μ :=

variable (𝕜 μ) in
/-- The integral as a continuous linear map from Schwartz space to the codomain. -/
def integralCLM : 𝓢(D, V) →L[𝕜] V :=
mkCLMtoNormedSpace (∫ x, · x ∂μ)
(fun f g ↦ by
exact integral_add f.integrable g.integrable)
(integral_smul · ·)
rcases hμ.exists_integrable with ⟨n, h⟩
let m := (n, 0)
use Finset.Iic m, 2 ^ n * ∫ x : D, (1 + ‖x‖) ^ (- (n : ℝ)) ∂μ
refine ⟨by positivity, fun f ↦ (norm_integral_le_integral_norm f).trans ?_⟩
have h' : ∀ x, ‖f x‖ ≤ (1 + ‖x‖) ^ (-(n : ℝ)) *
(2 ^ n * ((Finset.Iic m).sup (fun m' => SchwartzMap.seminorm 𝕜 m'.1 m'.2) f)) := by
intro x
rw [rpow_neg (by positivity), ← div_eq_inv_mul, le_div_iff₀' (by positivity), rpow_natCast]
simpa using one_add_le_sup_seminorm_apply (m := m) (k := n) (n := 0) le_rfl le_rfl f x
apply (integral_mono (by simpa using f.integrable_pow_mul μ 0) _ h').trans
· rw [integral_mul_right, ← mul_assoc, mul_comm (2 ^ n)]
apply h.mul_const)
def integralCLM : 𝓢(D, V) →L[𝕜] V := by
refine mkCLMtoNormedSpace (∫ x, · x ∂μ)
(fun f g ↦ integral_add f.integrable g.integrable) (integral_smul · ·) ?_
rcases hμ.exists_integrable with ⟨n, h⟩
let m := (n, 0)
use Finset.Iic m, 2 ^ n * ∫ x : D, (1 + ‖x‖) ^ (- (n : ℝ)) ∂μ
refine ⟨by positivity, fun f ↦ (norm_integral_le_integral_norm f).trans ?_⟩
have h' : ∀ x, ‖f x‖ ≤ (1 + ‖x‖) ^ (-(n : ℝ)) *
(2 ^ n * ((Finset.Iic m).sup (fun m' => SchwartzMap.seminorm 𝕜 m'.1 m'.2) f)) := by
intro x
rw [rpow_neg (by positivity), ← div_eq_inv_mul, le_div_iff₀' (by positivity), rpow_natCast]
simpa using one_add_le_sup_seminorm_apply (m := m) (k := n) (n := 0) le_rfl le_rfl f x
apply (integral_mono (by simpa using f.integrable_pow_mul μ 0) _ h').trans
· rw [integral_mul_right, ← mul_assoc, mul_comm (2 ^ n)]
apply h.mul_const

variable (𝕜) in
Expand Down

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