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refactor: make LinearMap.IsAdjointPair accept bare functions as arg…
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Co-authored-by: Oliver Nash <[email protected]>
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j-loreaux and ocfnash committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent b18b0c8 commit 07b2399
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Showing 5 changed files with 35 additions and 183 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Lie/SkewAdjoint.lean
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Expand Up @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ theorem LinearMap.BilinForm.isSkewAdjoint_bracket {f g : Module.End R M}
(hf : f ∈ B.skewAdjointSubmodule) (hg : g ∈ B.skewAdjointSubmodule) :
⁅f, g⁆ ∈ B.skewAdjointSubmodule := by
rw [mem_skewAdjointSubmodule] at *
have hfg : IsAdjointPair B B (f * g) (g * f) := by rw [← neg_mul_neg g f]; exact hf.mul hg
have hgf : IsAdjointPair B B (g * f) (f * g) := by rw [← neg_mul_neg f g]; exact hg.mul hf
have hfg : IsAdjointPair B B (f * g) (g * f) := by rw [← neg_mul_neg g f]; exact hg.comp hf
have hgf : IsAdjointPair B B (g * f) (f * g) := by rw [← neg_mul_neg f g]; exact hf.comp hg
change IsAdjointPair B B (f * g - g * f) (-(f * g - g * f)); rw [neg_sub]
exact hfg.sub hgf

Expand All @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ variable {N : Type w} [AddCommGroup N] [Module R N] (e : N ≃ₗ[R] M)
/-- An equivalence of modules with bilinear forms gives equivalence of Lie algebras of skew-adjoint
endomorphisms. -/
def skewAdjointLieSubalgebraEquiv :
skewAdjointLieSubalgebra (B.compl₁₂ (e : N →ₗ[R] M) e) ≃ₗ⁅R⁆ skewAdjointLieSubalgebra B := by
skewAdjointLieSubalgebra (B.compl₁₂ (e : N →ₗ[R] M) e) ≃ₗ⁅R⁆ skewAdjointLieSubalgebra B := by
apply LieEquiv.ofSubalgebras _ _ e.lieConj
ext f
simp only [LieSubalgebra.mem_coe, Submodule.mem_map_equiv, LieSubalgebra.mem_map_submodule,
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134 changes: 0 additions & 134 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/BilinearForm/Properties.lean
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Expand Up @@ -154,140 +154,6 @@ theorem isAlt_zero : (0 : BilinForm R M).IsAlt := fun _ => rfl
theorem isAlt_neg {B : BilinForm R₁ M₁} : (-B).IsAlt ↔ B.IsAlt :=
fun h => neg_neg B ▸ h.neg, IsAlt.neg⟩

/-! ### Linear adjoints -/

section LinearAdjoints

variable (B) (F : BilinForm R M)
variable {M' : Type*} [AddCommMonoid M'] [Module R M']
variable (B' : BilinForm R M') (f f' : M →ₗ[R] M') (g g' : M' →ₗ[R] M)

/-- Given a pair of modules equipped with bilinear forms, this is the condition for a pair of
maps between them to be mutually adjoint. -/
def IsAdjointPair :=
∀ ⦃x y⦄, B' (f x) y = B x (g y)

variable {B B' f f' g g'}

theorem IsAdjointPair.eq (h : IsAdjointPair B B' f g) : ∀ {x y}, B' (f x) y = B x (g y) :=

theorem isAdjointPair_iff_compLeft_eq_compRight (f g : Module.End R M) :
IsAdjointPair B F f g ↔ F.compLeft f = B.compRight g := by
constructor <;> intro h
· ext x
simp only [compLeft_apply, compRight_apply]
apply h
· intro x y
rw [← compLeft_apply, ← compRight_apply]
rw [h]

theorem isAdjointPair_zero : IsAdjointPair B B' 0 0 := fun x y => by
simp only [BilinForm.zero_left, BilinForm.zero_right, LinearMap.zero_apply]

theorem isAdjointPair_id : IsAdjointPair B B 1 1 := fun _ _ => rfl

theorem IsAdjointPair.add (h : IsAdjointPair B B' f g) (h' : IsAdjointPair B B' f' g') :
IsAdjointPair B B' (f + f') (g + g') := fun x y => by
rw [LinearMap.add_apply, LinearMap.add_apply, add_left, add_right, h, h']

variable {M₁' : Type*} [AddCommGroup M₁'] [Module R₁ M₁']
variable {B₁' : BilinForm R₁ M₁'} {f₁ f₁' : M₁ →ₗ[R₁] M₁'} {g₁ g₁' : M₁' →ₗ[R₁] M₁}

theorem IsAdjointPair.sub (h : IsAdjointPair B₁ B₁' f₁ g₁) (h' : IsAdjointPair B₁ B₁' f₁' g₁') :
IsAdjointPair B₁ B₁' (f₁ - f₁') (g₁ - g₁') := fun x y => by
rw [LinearMap.sub_apply, LinearMap.sub_apply, sub_left, sub_right, h, h']

variable {B₂' : BilinForm R M'} {f₂ : M →ₗ[R] M'} {g₂ : M' →ₗ[R] M}

theorem IsAdjointPair.smul (c : R) (h : IsAdjointPair B B₂' f₂ g₂) :
IsAdjointPair B B₂' (c • f₂) (c • g₂) := fun x y => by
rw [LinearMap.smul_apply, LinearMap.smul_apply, smul_left, smul_right, h]

variable {M'' : Type*} [AddCommMonoid M''] [Module R M'']
variable (B'' : BilinForm R M'')

theorem IsAdjointPair.comp {f' : M' →ₗ[R] M''} {g' : M'' →ₗ[R] M'} (h : IsAdjointPair B B' f g)
(h' : IsAdjointPair B' B'' f' g') : IsAdjointPair B B'' (f'.comp f) (g.comp g') := fun x y => by
rw [LinearMap.comp_apply, LinearMap.comp_apply, h', h]

theorem IsAdjointPair.mul {f g f' g' : Module.End R M} (h : IsAdjointPair B B f g)
(h' : IsAdjointPair B B f' g') : IsAdjointPair B B (f * f') (g' * g) := fun x y => by
rw [LinearMap.mul_apply, LinearMap.mul_apply, h, h']

variable (B B' B₁ B₂) (F₂ : BilinForm R M)

/-- The condition for an endomorphism to be "self-adjoint" with respect to a pair of bilinear forms
on the underlying module. In the case that these two forms are identical, this is the usual concept
of self adjointness. In the case that one of the forms is the negation of the other, this is the
usual concept of skew adjointness. -/
def IsPairSelfAdjoint (f : Module.End R M) :=
IsAdjointPair B F f f

/-- The set of pair-self-adjoint endomorphisms are a submodule of the type of all endomorphisms. -/
def isPairSelfAdjointSubmodule : Submodule R (Module.End R M) where
carrier := { f | IsPairSelfAdjoint B₂ F₂ f }
zero_mem' := isAdjointPair_zero
add_mem' hf hg := hf.add hg
smul_mem' c _ h := h.smul c

theorem mem_isPairSelfAdjointSubmodule (f : Module.End R M) :
f ∈ isPairSelfAdjointSubmodule B₂ F₂ ↔ IsPairSelfAdjoint B₂ F₂ f := Iff.rfl

theorem isPairSelfAdjoint_equiv (e : M' ≃ₗ[R] M) (f : Module.End R M) :
IsPairSelfAdjoint B₂ F₂ f ↔
IsPairSelfAdjoint (B₂.comp ↑e ↑e) (F₂.comp ↑e ↑e) (e.symm.conj f) := by
have hₗ : (F₂.comp ↑e ↑e).compLeft (e.symm.conj f) = (F₂.compLeft f).comp ↑e ↑e := by
simp [LinearEquiv.symm_conj_apply]
have hᵣ : (B₂.comp ↑e ↑e).compRight (e.symm.conj f) = (B₂.compRight f).comp ↑e ↑e := by
simp [LinearEquiv.conj_apply]
have he : Function.Surjective (⇑(↑e : M' →ₗ[R] M) : M' → M) := e.surjective
show BilinForm.IsAdjointPair _ _ _ _ ↔ BilinForm.IsAdjointPair _ _ _ _
rw [isAdjointPair_iff_compLeft_eq_compRight, isAdjointPair_iff_compLeft_eq_compRight, hᵣ,
hₗ, comp_inj _ _ he he]

/-- An endomorphism of a module is self-adjoint with respect to a bilinear form if it serves as an
adjoint for itself. -/
def IsSelfAdjoint (f : Module.End R M) :=
IsAdjointPair B B f f

/-- An endomorphism of a module is skew-adjoint with respect to a bilinear form if its negation
serves as an adjoint. -/
def IsSkewAdjoint (f : Module.End R₁ M₁) :=
IsAdjointPair B₁ B₁ f (-f)

theorem isSkewAdjoint_iff_neg_self_adjoint (f : Module.End R₁ M₁) :
B₁.IsSkewAdjoint f ↔ IsAdjointPair (-B₁) B₁ f f :=
show (∀ x y, B₁ (f x) y = B₁ x ((-f) y)) ↔ ∀ x y, B₁ (f x) y = (-B₁) x (f y) by
simp only [LinearMap.neg_apply, BilinForm.neg_apply, BilinForm.neg_right]

/-- The set of self-adjoint endomorphisms of a module with bilinear form is a submodule. (In fact
it is a Jordan subalgebra.) -/
def selfAdjointSubmodule :=
isPairSelfAdjointSubmodule B B

theorem mem_selfAdjointSubmodule (f : Module.End R M) :
f ∈ B.selfAdjointSubmodule ↔ B.IsSelfAdjoint f :=

/-- The set of skew-adjoint endomorphisms of a module with bilinear form is a submodule. (In fact
it is a Lie subalgebra.) -/
def skewAdjointSubmodule :=
isPairSelfAdjointSubmodule (-B₁) B₁

theorem mem_skewAdjointSubmodule (f : Module.End R₁ M₁) :
f ∈ B₁.skewAdjointSubmodule ↔ B₁.IsSkewAdjoint f := by
rw [isSkewAdjoint_iff_neg_self_adjoint]
exact Iff.rfl

end LinearAdjoints

end BilinForm

namespace BilinForm
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21 changes: 0 additions & 21 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Matrix/BilinearForm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -297,34 +297,13 @@ variable {n : Type*} [Fintype n]
variable (b : Basis n R₂ M₂)
variable (J J₃ A A' : Matrix n n R₂)

theorem isAdjointPair_toBilin' [DecidableEq n] :
BilinForm.IsAdjointPair (Matrix.toBilin' J) (Matrix.toBilin' J₃) (Matrix.toLin' A)
(Matrix.toLin' A') ↔
Matrix.IsAdjointPair J J₃ A A' :=
isAdjointPair_toLinearMap₂' _ _ _ _

theorem isAdjointPair_toBilin [DecidableEq n] :
BilinForm.IsAdjointPair (Matrix.toBilin b J) (Matrix.toBilin b J₃) (Matrix.toLin b b A)
(Matrix.toLin b b A') ↔
Matrix.IsAdjointPair J J₃ A A' :=
isAdjointPair_toLinearMap₂ _ _ _ _ _ _

theorem Matrix.isAdjointPair_equiv' [DecidableEq n] (P : Matrix n n R₂) (h : IsUnit P) :
(Pᵀ * J * P).IsAdjointPair (Pᵀ * J * P) A A' ↔
J.IsAdjointPair J (P * A * P⁻¹) (P * A' * P⁻¹) :=
Matrix.isAdjointPair_equiv _ _ _ _ h

variable [DecidableEq n]

/-- The submodule of pair-self-adjoint matrices with respect to bilinear forms corresponding to
given matrices `J`, `J₂`. -/
def pairSelfAdjointMatricesSubmodule' : Submodule R₂ (Matrix n n R₂) :=
(BilinForm.isPairSelfAdjointSubmodule (Matrix.toBilin' J) (Matrix.toBilin' J₃)).map
((LinearMap.toMatrix' : ((n → R₂) →ₗ[R₂] n → R₂) ≃ₗ[R₂] Matrix n n R₂) :
((n → R₂) →ₗ[R₂] n → R₂) →ₗ[R₂] Matrix n n R₂)

theorem mem_pairSelfAdjointMatricesSubmodule' :
A ∈ pairSelfAdjointMatricesSubmodule J J₃ ↔ Matrix.IsAdjointPair J J₃ A A := by
simp only [mem_pairSelfAdjointMatricesSubmodule]
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/RootSystem/OfBilinear.lean
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Expand Up @@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ lemma reflective_reflection (hSB : LinearMap.IsSymm B) {y : M}
(hx : IsReflective B x) (hy : IsReflective B y) :
IsReflective B (Module.reflection (coroot_apply_self B hx) y) := by
· rw [← LinearEquiv.coe_coe, isOrthogonal_reflection B hx hSB]
· rw [isOrthogonal_reflection B hx hSB]
exact hy.1
· intro z
have hz : Module.reflection (coroot_apply_self B hx)
(Module.reflection (coroot_apply_self B hx) z) = z := by
exact (LinearEquiv.eq_symm_apply (Module.reflection (coroot_apply_self B hx))).mp rfl
rw [← hz, ← LinearEquiv.coe_coe, isOrthogonal_reflection B hx hSB,
rw [← hz, isOrthogonal_reflection B hx hSB,
isOrthogonal_reflection B hx hSB]
exact hy.2 _

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def ofBilinear [IsReflexive R M] (B : M →ₗ[R] M →ₗ[R] R) (hNB : LinearMa
simp only [mem_setOf_eq, PerfectPairing.flip_apply_apply, mul_sub,
apply_self_mul_coroot_apply B y.2, ← mul_assoc]
rw [← isOrthogonal_reflection B x.2 hSB y y, apply_self_mul_coroot_apply, ← hSB z, ← hSB z,
RingHom.id_apply, RingHom.id_apply, LinearEquiv.coe_coe, Module.reflection_apply, map_sub,
RingHom.id_apply, RingHom.id_apply, Module.reflection_apply, map_sub,
mul_sub, sub_eq_sub_iff_comm, sub_left_inj]
refine x.2.1.1 ?_
simp only [mem_setOf_eq, map_smul, smul_eq_mul]
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51 changes: 29 additions & 22 deletions Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/SesquilinearForm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ form `M₁ →ₛₗ[I₁] M₂ →ₛₗ[I₂] M`, where `I₁ : R₁ →+* R`
Sesquilinear forms are the special case that `M₁ = M₂`, `M = R₁ = R₂ = R`, and `I₁ = R`.
Taking additionally `I₂ = R`, then one obtains bilinear forms.
These forms are a special case of the bilinear maps defined in `BilinearMap.lean` and all basic
lemmas about construction and elementary calculations are found there.
Sesquilinear maps are a special case of the bilinear maps defined in `BilinearMap.lean` and `many`
basic lemmas about construction and elementary calculations are found there.
## Main declarations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ variable (B B' f g)

/-- Given a pair of modules equipped with bilinear maps, this is the condition for a pair of
maps between them to be mutually adjoint. -/
def IsAdjointPair :=
def IsAdjointPair (f : M → M₁) (g : M₁ → M) :=
∀ x y, B' (f x) y = B x (g y)

variable {B B' f g}
Expand All @@ -423,17 +423,24 @@ theorem isAdjointPair_iff_comp_eq_compl₂ : IsAdjointPair B B' f g ↔ B'.comp
· intro _ _
rw [← compl₂_apply, ← comp_apply, h]

theorem isAdjointPair_zero : IsAdjointPair B B' 0 0 := fun _ _ ↦ by simp only [zero_apply, map_zero]
theorem isAdjointPair_zero : IsAdjointPair B B' 0 0 := fun _ _ ↦ by
simp only [Pi.zero_apply, map_zero, zero_apply]

theorem isAdjointPair_id : IsAdjointPair B B 1 1 := fun _ _ ↦ rfl
theorem isAdjointPair_id : IsAdjointPair B B ( : M → M) ( : M → M) :=
fun _ _ ↦ rfl

theorem IsAdjointPair.add (h : IsAdjointPair B B' f g) (h' : IsAdjointPair B B' f' g') :
theorem isAdjointPair_one : IsAdjointPair B B (1 : Module.End R M) (1 : Module.End R M) :=

theorem IsAdjointPair.add {f f' : M → M₁} {g g' : M₁ → M} (h : IsAdjointPair B B' f g)
(h' : IsAdjointPair B B' f' g') :
IsAdjointPair B B' (f + f') (g + g') := fun x _ ↦ by
rw [f.add_apply, g.add_apply, B'.map_add₂, (B x).map_add, h, h']
rw [Pi.add_apply, Pi.add_apply, B'.map_add₂, (B x).map_add, h, h']

theorem IsAdjointPair.comp {f' : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂} {g' : M₂ →ₗ[R] M₁} (h : IsAdjointPair B B' f g)
(h' : IsAdjointPair B' B'' f' g') : IsAdjointPair B B'' (f'.comp f) (g.comp g') := fun _ _ ↦ by
rw [LinearMap.comp_apply, LinearMap.comp_apply, h', h]
theorem IsAdjointPair.comp {f : M → M₁} {g : M₁ → M} {f' : M₁ → M₂} {g' : M₂ → M₁}
(h : IsAdjointPair B B' f g) (h' : IsAdjointPair B' B'' f' g') :
IsAdjointPair B B'' (f' ∘ f) (g ∘ g') := fun _ _ ↦ by
rw [Function.comp_def, Function.comp_def, h', h]

theorem IsAdjointPair.mul {f g f' g' : Module.End R M} (h : IsAdjointPair B B f g)
(h' : IsAdjointPair B B f' g') : IsAdjointPair B B (f * f') (g' * g) :=
Expand All @@ -448,11 +455,11 @@ variable [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M]
variable [AddCommGroup M₁] [Module R M₁]
variable [AddCommGroup M₂] [Module R M₂]
variable {B F : M →ₗ[R] M →ₗ[R] M₂} {B' : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂}
variable {f f' : M →ₗ[R] M₁} {g g' : M₁ →ₗ[R] M}
variable {f f' : M → M₁} {g g' : M₁ → M}

theorem IsAdjointPair.sub (h : IsAdjointPair B B' f g) (h' : IsAdjointPair B B' f' g') :
IsAdjointPair B B' (f - f') (g - g') := fun x _ ↦ by
rw [f.sub_apply, g.sub_apply, B'.map_sub₂, (B x).map_sub, h, h']
rw [Pi.sub_apply, Pi.sub_apply, B'.map_sub₂, (B x).map_sub, h, h']

theorem IsAdjointPair.smul (c : R) (h : IsAdjointPair B B' f g) :
IsAdjointPair B B' (c • f) (c • g) := fun _ _ ↦ by
Expand All @@ -463,7 +470,7 @@ end AddCommGroup
section OrthogonalMap

variable {R M : Type*} [CommRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M]
(B : LinearMap.BilinForm R M) (f : Module.End R M)
(B : LinearMap.BilinForm R M) (f : M → M)

/-- A linear transformation `f` is orthogonal with respect to a bilinear form `B` if `B` is
bi-invariant with respect to `f`. -/
Expand All @@ -473,17 +480,17 @@ def IsOrthogonal : Prop :=
variable {B f}

lemma _root_.LinearEquiv.isAdjointPair_symm_iff {f : M ≃ₗ[R] M} :
lemma _root_.LinearEquiv.isAdjointPair_symm_iff {f : M ≃ M} :
LinearMap.IsAdjointPair B B f f.symm ↔ B.IsOrthogonal f :=
fun hf x y ↦ by simpa using hf x (f y), fun hf x y ↦ by simpa using hf x (f.symm y)⟩

lemma isOrthogonal_of_forall_apply_same
(h : IsLeftRegular (2 : R)) (hB : B.IsSymm) (hf : ∀ x, B (f x) (f x) = B x x) :
lemma isOrthogonal_of_forall_apply_same {F : Type*} [FunLike F M M] [LinearMapClass F R M M]
(f : F) (h : IsLeftRegular (2 : R)) (hB : B.IsSymm) (hf : ∀ x, B (f x) (f x) = B x x) :
B.IsOrthogonal f := by
intro x y
suffices 2 * B (f x) (f y) = 2 * B x y from h this
have := hf (x + y)
simp only [map_add, add_apply, hf x, hf y, show B y x = B x y from hB.eq y x] at this
simp only [map_add, LinearMap.add_apply, hf x, hf y, show B y x = B x y from hB.eq y x] at this
rw [show B (f y) (f x) = B (f x) (f y) from hB.eq (f y) (f x)] at this
simp only [add_assoc, add_right_inj] at this
simp only [← add_assoc, add_left_inj] at this
Expand All @@ -510,12 +517,12 @@ variable (B F : M →ₗ[R] M →ₛₗ[I] M₁)
on the underlying module. In the case that these two maps are identical, this is the usual concept
of self adjointness. In the case that one of the maps is the negation of the other, this is the
usual concept of skew adjointness. -/
def IsPairSelfAdjoint (f : Module.End R M) :=
def IsPairSelfAdjoint (f : M → M) :=
IsAdjointPair B F f f

/-- An endomorphism of a module is self-adjoint with respect to a bilinear map if it serves as an
adjoint for itself. -/
protected def IsSelfAdjoint (f : Module.End R M) :=
protected def IsSelfAdjoint (f : M → M) :=
IsAdjointPair B B f f

end AddCommMonoid
Expand All @@ -535,7 +542,7 @@ def isPairSelfAdjointSubmodule : Submodule R (Module.End R M) where

/-- An endomorphism of a module is skew-adjoint with respect to a bilinear map if its negation
serves as an adjoint. -/
def IsSkewAdjoint (f : Module.End R M) :=
def IsSkewAdjoint (f : M → M) :=
IsAdjointPair B B f (-f)

/-- The set of self-adjoint endomorphisms of a module with bilinear map is a submodule. (In fact
Expand All @@ -557,7 +564,7 @@ theorem mem_isPairSelfAdjointSubmodule (f : Module.End R M) :

theorem isPairSelfAdjoint_equiv (e : M₁ ≃ₗ[R] M) (f : Module.End R M) :
IsPairSelfAdjoint B F f ↔
IsPairSelfAdjoint (B.compl₁₂ ↑e ↑e) (F.compl₁₂ ↑e ↑e) (e.symm.conj f) := by
IsPairSelfAdjoint (B.compl₁₂ e e) (F.compl₁₂ e e) (e.symm.conj f) := by
have hₗ :
(F.compl₁₂ (↑e : M₁ →ₗ[R] M) (↑e : M₁ →ₗ[R] M)).comp (e.symm.conj f) =
(F.comp f).compl₁₂ (↑e : M₁ →ₗ[R] M) (↑e : M₁ →ₗ[R] M) := by
Expand All @@ -573,7 +580,7 @@ theorem isPairSelfAdjoint_equiv (e : M₁ ≃ₗ[R] M) (f : Module.End R M) :
have he : Function.Surjective (⇑(↑e : M₁ →ₗ[R] M) : M₁ → M) := e.surjective
simp_rw [IsPairSelfAdjoint, isAdjointPair_iff_comp_eq_compl₂, hₗ, hᵣ, compl₁₂_inj he he]

theorem isSkewAdjoint_iff_neg_self_adjoint (f : Module.End R M) :
theorem isSkewAdjoint_iff_neg_self_adjoint (f : M → M) :
B.IsSkewAdjoint f ↔ IsAdjointPair (-B) B f f :=
show (∀ x y, B (f x) y = B x ((-f) y)) ↔ ∀ x y, B (f x) y = (-B) x (f y) by simp

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