Mini Project to test out Material Design concepts and other spikes
- View a single photo detail -- Used fragment
- Swipe view photo to go to another photo -- used ViewPager
- Use CardView to view the photo
- Use Material Design Bottom Bar Tabs (iOS new look) to switch between view pager and recycler view list and gallery grid mode.
- Fix up Bottom bar tabs so they have icons and are equally distant across the bottom toolbar (still using menu but also used ActionMenuView to hold them)
- Use RecyclerView to implement Smooth scrolling photo list -- WIP
- Display photos in a gallery -- Gridview/RecyclerView
- Able to click on a photo to view
- Load a set of photos from the phone's gallery or internal database
- Use floating Action button to add a new photo from the phone's database to the gallery.
- Activity/Fragment
- ViewPager/Adapter
- Multiple Fragments
- CardView
- RecyclerView (List) --> Gallery
- RecyclerView (grid) --> Gallery
- Toolbar
- Floating Action Button
- Notifications
- Transitions (Material Design)
- Animations
Sample pictures from: Created by: Lauren Yew