Ansible roles to install and configure ArchLinux
The playbook with these roles are supposed to be run on the machine that you want to install Arch on. You have to boot into Arch from an installation medium and install the ansible-core and ansible packages, then clone this repo and run the playbook with local connection.
- update the system clock
timedatectl set-ntp true
- increase the disk size for the live environment
mount -o remount,size=1G /run/archiso/cowspace
- install git, ansible and it's python dependencies
pacman -Sy git ansible-core ansible python-packaging python-jmespath python-passlib
- hosts: archiso
connection: local
- arch_init
- hosts: chroot
connection: chroot
- arch_config
install_drive: /dev/nvme0n1
boot_partition_suffix: p1
swap_partition_suffix: p2
root_partition_suffix: p3
- acpilight
- bat
arch_config_timezone: Europe/Budapest
arch_config_locale: en_US.UTF-8
arch_config_user_name: my_user
arch_config_user_password: my_password_hash
arch_config_user_groups: wheel
arch_config_hostname: my_hostname
ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml