Easily setup Magento 2 sites to develop locally
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
WINDOWS USERS: https://superuser.com/questions/124679/how-do-i-create-a-link-in-windows-7-home-premium-as-a-regular-user?answertab=votes#125981
- Clone this repo
- Install guest additions for VirtualBox
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- Start the VM
vagrant --hostname=[hostname] up
(this will default to boson)
- Start the VM
vagrant --hostname=[hostname] up
- Copy or clone your git repo into your sites local directory, if you're working on an exising project
- Import your DB using phpMyAdmin (remember to replace your site URL's)
Local file webroot will be at www/[hostname]
Site will be served from http://[hostname].local
phpMyAdmin is available from port 8080 (http://[hostname].local:8080)
Built with love by the team at Laser Red