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FY21 ECP Milestones

Tim Randles edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 1 revision


Title: Archive, clone, and re-run workflows

Summary: BEE will have the ability to archive, clone, and re-run workflows that have been previously executed. This will enable reproducibility and portability of scientific workflows both within and between DOE facilities.

Start Date: 10/01/2020

End Date: 03/31/2021

Title: Execute BEE workflows on private cloud infrastructure

Summary: BEE will be able to create a virtual private cluster (VPC) on private, on-premise, OpenStack clouds and then execute workflows on the VPC. This functionality will allow scientists to create unique HPC-like clusters to support HPC-adjacent workloads, such as high throughput and data intensive computing.

Start Date: 01/01/2021

End Date: 09/30/2021