Create SSH tunel to a running colab notebook
- This package only allow SSH public key authentication so you will need to prepare once. You might already had one at
. Refer this to create a new one if you don't had once already - In order to connect to the SSH tunel from your machine, you will need to install
from here
Create a new Colab notebook with a single cell with the following content:
!pip3 install linus-colab-ssh
from colab_ssh import setup_ssh, loop_forever
public_key = '<YOUR_PUBLIC_SSH_KEY>'
You can use list of public key or link to a raw text file of authorized_keys
like this as well
Optinally, you can also specify a Mattermost Webhook URL with mattermost_webhook_address
when calling setup_ssh
to send a push notification to your Mattermost channel when the SSH tunel is ready.
Run it, after about 2 minutes, you will see something like this:
Command to connect to the ssh server:
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o VisualHostKey=yes -oProxyCommand="cloudflared access ssh --hostname %h" [email protected]
Or you can use the following configuration in your .ssh/config file:
Host colab
User root
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
VisualHostKey yes
StrictHostKeyChecking no
ProxyCommand cloudflared access ssh --hostname %h
Then voila ;)
Please noted that you must keep the kernel webpage connected to avoid Colab disconnect your kernel early.
This repo contains many of the configuration that I use for my day to day work so it might not be the best for you.
If you had any problems using this, feel free to open an issue. Otherwise, I highly recommend you to fork this repo and did some necessary modification for yourself. Thanks for checking by