This repository contains the code for my personal website, which serves as a portfolio and a place to share my thoughts and insights on topics related to my field. It is also a playground for experimenting with new technologies and techniques. You can expect to see a lot of changes and updates to the code as I continue to work on and improve the site.
In the first iteration that I am currently working on, the website will include the following pages and sections:
- About
- Resume
- Portfolio
- Contact
I plan to add a blog section in a future iteration, where I can share my thoughts and insights on topics related to my field, as well as any updates or news about my work.
The following technologies are being used in this project:
I may also experiment with other technologies and techniques as I continue to work on the site.
For styling information, read this.
I have found the following technologies interesting but have decided not to incorporate them into this project:
Instructions for running the project will be added as I continue to work on it.