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Access and Authentication

Sayar Samanta edited this page Aug 24, 2018 · 13 revisions

Description : Authenticates a Faveo user by returning an authentication token on successful authentication. Locating your API Key Login to your Faveo Admin Panel. Click API. Your unique API Key will be displayed. You may generate a fresh API Key by clicking the Generate link.

  1. URL: api/v1/authenticate

Parameters :

Name Data Type Required/Optional Description
username String Required Username
password String Required password
api_key String Optional An alphanumeric code that can be used to authenticate your API calls. To make it required login to Admin panel and go to API setting and make it mandatory

HTTP Method : POST

Response Format : JSON

Response : Returns json response with the token.This token will be used in all other API’s as authentication purpose. In case of any errors, an error message will be returned.

URL Request Example :

JSON Response Example :

Success Response : { "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9wcm9kdWN0ZGVtb3VybC5jb21cL2NvbW11bml0eVwvcHVibGljXC9hcGlcL3YxXC9hdXRoZW50aWNhdGUiLCJpYXQiOjE1MzUwMDcwMjIsImV4cCI6MTUzNTAwNzI2MiwibmJmIjoxNTM1MDA3MDIyLCJqdGkiOiJsU3E5N1JvVUtiRDBjelpsIiwic3ViIjoxLCJwcnYiOiI4N2UwYWYxZWY5ZmQxNTgxMmZkZWM5NzE1M2ExNGUwYjA0NzU0NmFhIn0.DUGRce3eS4EcKAaP-toTyzrkjq3zVxwdlDjfv5U2T9c", "user_id": { "id": 1, "user_name": "demoadmin", "first_name": "Demo", "last_name": "Admin", "gender": 0, "email": "[email protected]", "ban": 0, "active": 1, "is_delete": 0, "ext": "", "country_code": 0, "phone_number": "", "mobile": null, "agent_sign": "", "account_type": "", "account_status": "", "assign_group": 1, "primary_dpt": 1, "agent_tzone": "", "daylight_save": "", "limit_access": "", "directory_listing": "", "vacation_mode": "", "company": "", "role": "admin", "internal_note": "", "profile_pic": "", "created_at": "2018-08-13 14:22:49", "updated_at": "2018-08-13 14:23:14", "user_language": null } }

Some Common Error :

Error Response :

{ "Error":"invalid_credentials" "status_code": 401 }

Parameter Description
id id of the user
user_name user name of the user
first_name id of the user
last_name id of the user
gender id of the user
email id of the user
ban id of the user
active id of the user
is_delete id of the user
ext id of the user
country_code id of the user
phone_number id of the user
mobile id of the user
agent_sign id of the user
account_type id of the user
account_status id of the user
assign_group id of the user
primary_dpt id of the user
agent_tzone id of the user
daylight_save id of the user
limit_access id of the user
directory_listing id of the user
vacation_mode id of the user
company id of the user
role id of the user
role id of the user
role id of the user

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