Prepare for OOP Game project.
This project build by Paho Esclipce library - a library support mqtt in many of language.
Create a Maven project by IntelliJ IDEA. Add these line to pom.xml file.
<id>Eclipse Paho Repo</id>
Reset the application then the library is installed.
Paho Esclipce support to use tcp or ssl protocol to setup broker. Example: "tcp://" subscribe function => subscribe message by a topic and a broker.
Sub testSubClient = new Sub("", "id/test");
Add this code to main class => testSubClient.subCore() subscribes topic: "id/test" by broker: "tcp://". (The tcp and port 1883 just can be changed in publish function => publish message to a topic by a broker.
Pub testPubClient = new Pub("","id/test", "Msg from Kuerl!");
Add this code to main class => testPubClient.pubCore() publish message to topic: "id/test" by broker: "tcp://". (The tcp and port 1883 just can be changed in
Broker: "tcp://" belongs to HCMIU - IOT club.
Just sub, pub at hcmiuiotclub github :vv