On behalf of Kubernetes SIG Network, we are excited to announce the release of v1.2!
This release includes the graduation of 3 features to the standard channel and the introduction of 4 new features to the experimental channel, along with several improvements in many project areas.
Breaking Changes
and ReferenceGrant
As per a previous deprecation notice, in this version, both Experimental
and Standard channel CRDs will no longer serve the v1alpha2
of GRPCRoute
and ReferenceGrant
- Disable v1alpha2 versions for GRPCRoute and ReferenceGrant by @youngnick in
Before upgrading to Gateway API v1.2, you'll want to confirm that any
implementations of Gateway API have been upgraded to support the v1
version of these resources instead of the v1alpha2
API version. Note that
even if you've been using v1
in your YAML manifests, a controller may still be
using v1alpha2
which would cause it to fail during this upgrade.
Once you've confirmed that the implementations you're relying on have upgraded
to v1, it's time to install the v1.2 CRDs. In most cases, this will work without
any additional effort.
If you ran into issues installing these CRDs, it likely means that you have
in the storedVersions
of one or both of these CRDs. This field is
used to indicate which API versions have ever been used to persist one of these
resources. Unfortunately, this field is not automatically pruned. To check these
values, you can run the following commands:
kubectl get crd grpcroutes.gateway.networking.k8s.io -ojsonpath="{.status.storedVersions}"
kubectl get crd referencegrants.gateway.networking.k8s.io -ojsonpath="{.status.storedVersions}"
If either of these return a list that includes "v1alpha2", it means that we need
to manually remove that version from storedVersions
Before doing that, it would be good to ensure that all your ReferenceGrants and
GRPCRoutes have been updated to the latest storage version:
crds=("GRPCRoutes" "ReferenceGrants")
for crd in "${crds[@]}"; do
output=$(kubectl get "${crd}" -A -o json)
echo "$output" | jq -c '.items[]' | while IFS= read -r resource; do
namespace=$(echo "$resource" | jq -r '.metadata.namespace')
name=$(echo "$resource" | jq -r '.metadata.name')
kubectl patch "${crd}" "${name}" -n "${namespace}" --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/metadata/annotations/migration-time", "value": "'"$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)"'" }]'
Now that all your ReferenceGrant and GRPCRoute resources have been updated to
use the latest storage version, you can patch the ReferenceGrant and GRPCRoute
kubectl patch customresourcedefinitions referencegrants.gateway.networking.k8s.io --subresource='status' --type='merge' -p '{"status":{"storedVersions":["v1beta1"]}}'
kubectl patch customresourcedefinitions grpcroutes.gateway.networking.k8s.io --subresource='status' --type='merge' -p '{"status":{"storedVersions":["v1"]}}'
With these steps complete, upgrading to the latest GRPCRoute and ReferenceGrant
should work well now.
Experimental Channel: GatewayClass Supported Features
The Experimental supportedFeatures
field in GatewayClass status
has changed
from being a list of strings to being a list of objects/structs with a name
This is to allow adding in extra information to each entry at a later date.
Relevant PRs:
- SupportedFeatures field in Gateway Class status are now presented as a list of
objects by @LiorLieberman in
Changes since v1.2.0-rc2
There was one small change since RC2 - the Gateway Infrastructure conformance
test has been marked as provisional as we're not sure that the same-namespace
requirement imposed by this test is necessary. #3373
Release Cycle changes
This was our first release using a new release
cycle that is
meant to make Gateway API releases more frequent and predictable.
There are now four phases:
- Scoping: 4-6 weeks, where the maintainers and community determine the set
of features we want to include in the release. A key deliverable here is
ensuring that the Experimental channel does not get any bigger than it already
is; we want to ensure that features make their way to Standard or are removed. - GEP Iteration and Review: 5-7 weeks, where we work to update GEPs, and
solidify and meet graduation criteria for in-scope GEPs. - API Refinement and Documentation: 3-5 weeks, where we translate proposed
changes from GEPs into changes to both the API specification and
documentation. - SIG-Network Review and Release Candidates: 2-4 weeks, where we perform our
required upstream reviews, get any further required changes in, and release
our release candidates so that implementations can get started with work on
the new features asap.
For all the detail about this, please see the Release Cycle
Relevant PRs:
Standard Channel Additions and Changes
The Standard channel is Gateway API's set of maximally-stable install files.
Only features with the best testing and support are added to the standard
channel. This channel should be considered GA or stable, and future changes will
be fully backwards compatible.
Infrastructure Labels and Annotations 🎉
GEP-1867 added an
stanza to Gateway objects that is intended to carry
infrastructure configuration specific to that Gateway object.
GEP-1762 adds a section for
and annotations
to this stanza that specifies labels and annotations
to be annotated to all resources created to fulfill that Gateway request.
This feature can be used to affect the labels and annotations created on
LoadBalancer Services by in-cluster implementations to fulfill the Gateway
contract or by Cloud Load Balancing resources created by Cloud Providers.
This feature has graduated to Standard and is now considered GA or Stable.
This feature's name for conformance tests and GatewayClass status reporting is
This feature's status is Extended, meaning that it is optional for
implementations to support. If you're using Experimental Channel, you can refer
to the supportedFeatures
field in the status
of any GatewayClass.
Relevant PRs:
- Remove experimental from gateway infrastructure by @keithmattix in
#3272 - Validation for label keys and values according to Kubernetes specification by
@snorwin in #3284
HTTPRoute Timeouts and Durations 🎉
The HTTPRoute Timeouts
field on Route Rules has graduated to Standard and is
now considered GA or Stable.
This field allows you to configure overall Request Timeouts as well as Backend
Request Timeouts. For more information, refer to GEP
The relevant feature names this for conformance tests and GatewayClass status
reporting are:
This feature's status is Extended, meaning that it is optional for
implementations to support. If you're using Experimental Channel, you can refer
to the supportedFeatures
field in the status
of any GatewayClass.
Relevant PRs:
- Graduate GEP-2257 and GEP-1742 to standard by @kflynn in
#3210 - GEP2257 Duration parsing by @xtineskim in
BackendProtocol Support 🎉
The previous coordinated work across both Gateway API and upstream Kubernetes
which defined 3 new values for the AppProtocol field on Service Ports has
graduated to Standard and is now considered GA or Stable.
The values are:
- HTTP/2 over cleartext as described in
- WebSocket over cleartext as described in
- WebSocket over TLS as described in
These can now be used with Gateway API to describe the protocol to use for
connections to Kubernetes Services. For more information, refer to GEP
The relevant feature names this for conformance tests and GatewayClass status
reporting are:
for H2C support, when
for Websocket support, when
This feature's status is Extended, meaning that it is optional for
implementations to support. If you're using Experimental Channel, you can refer
to the supportedFeatures
field in the status
of any GatewayClass.
Relevant PRs:
- Backend Protocol Selection is no longer experimental and is now part of
HTTPRoute Extended Conformance by @dprotaso in
Other Standard channel changes
- Increased the limit on HTTPRoute matches from 8 to 64 by @howardjohn in
#3205 - Adds the GatewayClassConditionReason "Unsupported" and clarifies when
GatewayClassConditionReason "InvalidParameters" should be preferred by
@mikemorris in
#3048 - HTTPRoute - 503 Status Code MAY be returned for Kubernetes Services who don't
have any healthy endpoints by @dprotaso in
#3121 - Document the route kinds compatible for each protocolType by @abs007 in
#2263 - Move GEP-995 to Implementable by @guicassolato in
#3166 - Add policy label to BackendLBPolicy to make it recognizable in gwctl by
@gauravkghildiyal in
#3195 - remove unnecessary S in ProtocolType validation by @spacewander in
Experimental Channel Additions and Changes
The Experimental Channel is Gateway API's channel for testing out changes and
gaining confidence with them before allowing them to go to Standard.
This channel may include features that are changed or removed later!
HTTPRoute Retry support
GEP-1731 described how to add
configuration of retries on HTTPRoute objects, and in this release, this change
has moved to Experimental.
Please see the GEP reference document or the API reference for the details.
This feature has graduated to Experimental amd should now be used for testing
and verification purposes only. Experimental features may be changed or removed
in a future version.
This feature does not currently have a feature name defined.
This feature's status is Extended, meaning that it is optional for
implementations to support.
As there is no feature name or conformance tests available for this feature as
yet, please see your implementation's documentation to see if it is supported.
Relevant PRs:
- Adds support for configuring retries in HTTPRoute by @mikemorris in
#3301 - Adds
stanza within HTTPRouteRule to configure retrying unsuccessful
requests to backends before sending a response to a client by @mikemorris in
Percentage-based request mirroring
The existing Request Mirroring feature has been enhanced by allowing users to
specify a percentage of requests they'd like mirrored. These changes are
described in GEP-3171.
Please see the GEP reference document or the API reference for the details.
This feature has graduated to Experimental amd should now be used for testing
and verification purposes only. Experimental features may be changed or removed
in a future version.
This feature does not currently have a feature name defined.
This feature's status is Extended, meaning that it is optional for
implementations to support.
As there is no feature name or conformance tests available for this feature as
yet, please see your implementation's documentation to see if it is supported.
Relevant PRs:
- Adding GEP 3171: Percentage-based Request Mirroring by @jakebennert in
#3178 - Add API for GEP-3171 by @jakebennert in
#3283 - Add Additional API Testing for GEP-3171 by @jakebennert in
Improvements to backend TLS configuration
Some changes have been made to Gateway API's support for configuring TLS
connections between the Gateway and backends.
Gateway has a new Experimental field that contains configuration for the client
certificate Gateways should use when connecting to Backends.
The existing BackendTLSPolicy object has had additions as well:
- Ability to specify SANs on BackendTLSPolicy
- Add TLS options to BackendTLSPolicy to mirror TLS config on Gateways
See GEP-3155 for all the
This feature has graduated to Experimental amd should now be used for testing
and verification purposes only. Experimental features may be changed or removed
in a future version.
This feature does not currently have a feature name defined.
This feature's status is Extended, meaning that it is optional for
implementations to support.
As there is no feature name or conformance tests available for this feature as
yet, please see your implementation's documentation to see if it is supported.
Relevant PRs:
- Add GEP-3155: Complete Backend mTLS Configuration by @mkosieradzki in
#3180 - add api changes according to gep-3155 by @LiorLieberman in
Named Route Rules
All Route Rule types (GRPCRouteRule, HTTPRouteRule, TCPRouteRule, TLSRouteRule
and UDPRouteRule) have had a new, optional name
field to support referencing
individual rules by name.
This name, if present, may be used in status
and logging to indicate which
route rule is being referenced in messages in a more readable way than an array
This feature has graduated to Experimental amd should now be used for testing
and verification purposes only. Experimental features may be changed or removed
in a future version.
This feature does not currently have a feature name defined.
This feature's status is Extended, meaning that it is optional for
implementations to support.
As there is no feature name or conformance tests available for this feature as
yet, please see your implementation's documentation to see if it is supported.
Relevant PRs:
- Implement of GEP-995 by @howardjohn in
#2985 - Docs: route rule name by @guicassolato in
Other specification changes
- Fix v1beta1 HTTPHeaderName alias by @spencerhance in
#3127 - make update-codegen.sh runnable on Mac by @spacewander in
#3186 - Add conformance tests for in-cluster Gateway infrastructure by @keithmattix in
#3192 - Remove extra spacing in the API Specification aliases by @nuno-faria in
#3218 - fix: allow the header based session persistence not to have AbsoluteTimeout by
@sanposhiho in
#3215 - Update GRPCRoute GEP to standard by @xtineskim in
#3227 - The generated conformance report API version is set to v1 instead of v1alpha1
by @mlavacca in
#3153 - Use GRPCHeaderMatchType in GRPCHeaderMatch structure by @kevinpollet in
#3252 - fix: inconsistent default reason for GatewayClass status (#3225) by @snorwin
in #3257 - Fixing Mesh version references in docs by @robscott in
#3073 - fix: Add BackendLBPolicy to experimental kustomization by @krouma in
Leadership changes
In this release timeframe, Gateway API has been working on building our
contributor pool and promoting more contributors up our contributor ladder.
Congratulations to @mlavacca on being promoted into the core Gateway API
maintainer team!
Thanks to @keithmattix for all your work as one of the GAMMA leads, and
congratulations to @mikemorris on being promoted into the GAMMA lead team.
We've added two new GEP Reviewers: @kflynn and @arkodg
Also promoted in the conformance team:
- @LiorLieberman is now an Approver
- @candita is now a Reviewer
Last but most certainly not least, @guicassolato has become a reviewer for
Congratulations to everyone on the promotions, and thanks for your continued
contributions to the Gateway API community!
Relevant PRs:
- Replace keithmattix as a mesh lead and replace with mikemorris by @keithmattix
in #3109 - docs: add Mattia Lavacca as Gateway API maintainer by @shaneutt in
#3231 - docs: add Flynn as a GEP reviewer by @shaneutt in
#3253 - docs: promote Lior to conformance approver by @shaneutt in
#3254 - Add Arko as GEP Reviewer by @shaneutt in
#3255 - docs: add candita as conformance reviewer by @shaneutt in
#3296 - docs: add guicassolato as gwctl reviewer by @shaneutt in
- Features have been re-arranged to a struct containing metadata and feature
Name. The API Channel has been set as a field for such a struct in
#3287 - Exposing grpc client interface as a option in the conformance suite in
In this release, gwctl is moving to a separate repo:
kubernetes-sigs/gwctl. This will
enable a more flexible and independent release process. Significant new updates
are coming to gwctl, follow the new repo for the latest updates on that project.
Although these changes won't be part of Gateway API v1.2 and will instead be
part of the separate gwctl release, we're noting them as they were merged while
the project was part of this repo:
- Describing Gateways and Backends will include a separate field showing
InheritedPolicies by @gauravkghildiyal in
#3198 - Gwctl allows filtering results to only those related to the specified resource
(using the--for
flag) by @gauravkghildiyal in
#3068 - Show Events and Analysis when describing resources by @gauravkghildiyal in
#3051 - The output of
gwctl describe httproute <NAME>
now includes more details by
@gauravkghildiyal in
#3181 - Support wide output format for get commands (-o wide) and Replace
BackendsPrinter withPrintTable
by @deszhou in
#3129 - Optimize print and reduce repeated logic. Maintain agreement with print
methods of other resources @deszhou in
#3076 - Outputs ns for gateways in gwctl by @xtineskim in
#3136 - gwctl performance improvements by @gauravkghildiyal in
Documentation Changes
- Update and standardise admonitions by @craigbox in
#3066 - docs: fix Istio version badge by @howardjohn in
#3067 - fix: kind of CACertificateRefs should be ConfigMap by @reaver-flomesh in
#3085 - Providing more detailed upgrade notes for v1.1 by @robscott in
#3084 - Fix rendering of list in GEP-713 by @craigbox in
#3113 - Remove description of GAMMA concepts as "experimental in v0.8". by @craigbox
in #3114 - Correct PR link for GEP-995 implementation by @craigbox in
#3107 - GEP-1324: Fix image path by @LionelJouin in
#3105 - Add missing apiVersion in the referencegrant API docs by @spacewander in
#3135 - Fix the missing example in HTTP rewrite by @spacewander in
#3126 - chore(docs): GRPC and HTTP docs versions cleanup by @pmalek in
#3163 - docs: Fix missing v1beta1, v1alpha3 API versions by @gcs278 in
#3202 - chore: fix typo in gep-713 by @spacewander in
#3236 - fix: deduplicate Declined status by @xmulligan in
#3238 - add link for rfc 3986 by @whitneygriffith in
#3240 - docs: partial reports can be submitted by @mlavacca in
#3179 - issue-3260: Clarify a few points on Development Documentation. by @jgao1025 in
#3261 - Correct indentation for nested list by @mkosieradzki in
#3241 - docs: add issue and PR bumping section to CONTRIBUTING.md by @shaneutt in
#3264 - geps: Add the missing trailing backtick to gep-3155 by @timflannagan in
#3319 - feat: cel validation on multiple K8S versions by @mlavacca in
#3316 - Fix typo in MESH-GRPC conformance test profile name by @unicell in
#3315 - Fix a number of GEP stage errors by @youngnick in
Testing and Conformance changes
- tests(conformance): more precise logs by @pmalek in
#3119 - Return the behaviour of a new default GRPC client instantiation for every
request by @ciarams87 in
#3130 - fix: change report API version by @mlavacca in
#3153 - Conformance Reporting to reflect v1.1.0 release by @xtineskim in
#3088 - Add timeout between conformance test cases by @wstcliyu in
#3243 - chore: added hack/verify-reports.sh script by @mlavacca in
#3167 - feat: add useragent to conformance test run by @BobyMCbobs in
#3211 - Expose peer certificates in round tripper response by @snehachhabria in
#3110 - Update verify-all.sh: added $t to explicitly tell which script had an issue
during a failed test by @TheInvincibleRalph in
#3286 - chore: golangci.yml update by @mlavacca in
#3317 - Add conformance suite client options by @BobyMCbobs in
#3343 - Fix conformance test race condition by @caboteria in
New Contributors
- @krouma made their first contribution in
#3083 - @reaver-flomesh made their first contribution in
#3085 - @LionelJouin made their first contribution in
#3105 - @czeslavo made their first contribution in
#3152 - @ciarams87 made their first contribution in
#3130 - @abs007 made their first contribution in
#2263 - @nuno-faria made their first contribution in
#3218 - @sanposhiho made their first contribution in
#3215 - @jakebennert made their first contribution in
#3178 - @mkosieradzki made their first contribution in
#3180 - @xmulligan made their first contribution in
#3238 - @snorwin made their first contribution in
#3257 - @BobyMCbobs made their first contribution in
#3211 - @jgao1025 made their first contribution in
#3261 - @timflannagan made their first contribution in
#3289 - @TheInvincibleRalph made their first contribution in
#3286 - @unicell made their first contribution in
- cel.dev/expr: v0.15.0
- github.com/planetscale/vtprotobuf:
- cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata: v0.2.3 → v0.3.0
- github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2: v2.2.0 →
v2.3.0 - github.com/cncf/xds/go: 0fa0005 →
555b57e - github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane: v0.12.0 →
1eb8caa - github.com/golang/glog: v1.2.0 →
v1.2.1 - github.com/miekg/dns: v1.1.58 →
v1.1.62 - golang.org/x/crypto: v0.22.0 → v0.26.0
- golang.org/x/mod: v0.17.0 → v0.18.0
- golang.org/x/net: v0.24.0 → v0.28.0
- golang.org/x/oauth2: v0.19.0 → v0.21.0
- golang.org/x/sync: v0.7.0 → v0.8.0
- golang.org/x/sys: v0.19.0 → v0.23.0
- golang.org/x/telemetry: f48c80b → bda5523
- golang.org/x/term: v0.19.0 → v0.23.0
- golang.org/x/text: v0.14.0 → v0.17.0
- golang.org/x/tools: v0.20.0 → v0.22.0
- google.golang.org/appengine: v1.6.8 → v1.6.7
- google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api: 6ceb2ff → ef581f9
- google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc: 6ceb2ff → ef581f9
- google.golang.org/genproto: 6ceb2ff → f966b18
- google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc: v1.3.0 → v1.5.1
- google.golang.org/grpc: v1.63.2 → v1.66.2
- google.golang.org/protobuf: v1.33.0 → v1.34.2
- k8s.io/api: v0.30.0 → v0.31.1
- k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver: v0.30.0 → v0.31.1
- k8s.io/apimachinery: v0.30.0 → v0.31.1
- k8s.io/client-go: v0.30.0 → v0.31.1
- k8s.io/code-generator: v0.30.0 → v0.31.1
- cloud.google.com/go/compute: v1.24.0