We're going to do a bit of math in few dimensions. That said we should use a toolset that does that just well. Numpy
import numpy as np
A function that decides if a neuron should be activated or not Sigmond used to be a standard but nowdays relu took over?
def sigmoid(x, derivate=False):
if not derivate:
return 1.0/(1+ np.exp(-x))
return x * (1.0 - x)
def relu(x, derivate=False):
if not derivate:
return np.maximum(x, 0)
return np.greater(x, 0).astype(int)
Well, almost. Stupid and artifical
class NeuralNetwork:
def __init__(self, input, res):
self.input = input
self.res = res
self.weights1 = np.random.rand(self.input.shape[1],4)
self.weights2 = np.random.rand(4,1)
self.output = np.zeros(y.shape)
def feedforward(self):
self.layer1 = sigmoid(np.dot(self.input, self.weights1))
self.output = sigmoid(np.dot(self.layer1, self.weights2))
def backpropagation(self):
derived_weights2 = np.dot(self.layer1.T, (2*(self.res - self.output) * sigmoid(self.output, True)))
derived_weights1 = np.dot(self.input.T, (np.dot(2*(self.res - self.output) * sigmoid(self.output, True), self.weights2.T) * sigmoid(self.layer1, True)))
self.weights1 += derived_weights1
self.weights2 += derived_weights2
Let's try to teach the network that for the input of 0011 the answer is 0 The Neuronet should just get that
X = np.array([[0,0,1,1],
y = np.array([[0],[1],[1],[0]])
neural_net = NeuralNetwork(X,y)
for i in range(1500):
The neuronet just got that!
I am just interested to see here a plot of the math functions I am using here and some playground for other math functions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def show_func(func, derivate=False, title=None):
x = np.arange(-6, 6, 0.01)
y = func(x, derivate)
plt.plot(x, y)
show_func(sigmoid, False, 'Sigmoid')
show_func(sigmoid, True, 'Sigmoid')
show_func(relu, False, 'Relu')
show_func(relu, True, 'Relu Derivate')