I made this program to have a list of projects from Workana in one file
instead of next, next ...
- Extract zip file to some folder, for example
cd /home/mysuer
unzip workana-listing-v1.0.0.zip
cd workana-listing
Download chromedriver from https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads, copy to folder workana-listing.
Configure file config.json
- username: Your workana user
- password: Your workana password
- wait: Implict wait (seconds) for selenium (https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/waits/#implicit-wait)
- executable_path: Absolute path to chromedriver, e.g.: /home/mysuer/workana-listing/chromedriver
- user-data-dir: Absolute path to tmp folder for chromedriver, e.g.: /home/mysuer/workana-listing/tmp, see https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/user_data_dir.md
- searches: Add {search_name : search_url}. Go to Workana site > Find projects > configure filters (Project category, skills, Publication date, etc), then copy browser url
- options: Chrome options, see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/capabilities
Run application
cd /home/mysuer/workana-listing workana_listing -c /home/mysuer/workana-listing/config.json
- Command line
Allows to run the application without GUI (scripting)
cd /home/mysuer/workana-listing workana_listing -c /home/mysuer/workana-listing/config.json -S -s my_search1
- Help
cd /home/mysuer/workana-listing workana_listing --help usage: workana_listing [-h] -c CONFIG_JSON [-S] [-s SEARCHES [SEARCHES ...]] [-j] [-l LOG] [-L {I,D,W,E}] [-v] List Workana projects optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG_JSON, --config CONFIG_JSON Application configuration file -S, --silent Run whitout GUI, you must define search name (option --search) -s SEARCHES [SEARCHES ...], --search SEARCHES [SEARCHES ...] List of search defined in config.json, 'all' to use all Example: my_search1 my_search2 -j, --json Create json file with results -l LOG, --log LOG Logging configuration file -L {I,D,W,E}, --log_level {I,D,W,E} Log level. Valid options: I(info), D(debug), W(warning), E(error) -v, --version Show script version
Sometimes some sites reached by Workana are too slow and page keep waiting (workana.reporting.com, worknana.zendesk.com, track.customer.io, etc), I solved stopping the app and executing again :-)
The program use the flags images from this repo: https://github.com/lipis/flag-icons