CSCI 4144 Data Mining and Warehousing Project - Implementing C4.5 Decision Tree Algorithm for Medical Data Mining
This program implements Quinlan's C4.5 decision tree from scratch, and conducts experiments using the UCI ML repo Thyroid disease dataset for binding proteins (allbp). Specifically, this program uses two classes, Node and C45Tree to construct the decision tree using the Information gain ratio from information theory.
- /original_data # directory stores and allbp.test from [3]
- /printed_trees # directory stores text files containing the printed trees from experiments
- allbp_data.csv # Training Data from [3]
- allbp_test.csv # Testing Data from [3]
- # Core program that implements C4.5 algorithm and conducts experiments
- # Simple script to clean original data from [3] and convert it to csv file for processing by pandas
- full_experiments_allpb.txt # contains experimental results for fully trained trees
- initial_testing_results.txt # contains experimental results for 100-sample, 500-sample, and fully trained trees
- report.pdf # final report submitted for project deliverables
- Navigate to the project repository
- Run the program with the following command:
- View progress in terminal and final results in initial_testing_results.txt and full_experiments_allpb.txt.
Note: is only used to convert files to csv, files are already in csv format for file processing.
- Fully trained tree: average training accuracy of 95.32% and testing accuracy of 96.91% over three trials
- 100-sample tree: 96.00% training accuracy, 95.83% testing accuracy
- 500-sample tree: 99.00% training accuracy, 97.58% testing accuracy
Read the full report here!
UCI Machine Learning Repository, Thyroid Disease Data Set (Using and allbp.test files, 2800 instances in training, 972 testing) Citation: D. Dua and C. Graff, “UCI Machine Learning Repository”. University of California, Irvine, School of Information and Computer Sciences, 2017.
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