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This is an OmniFocus plug-in that assigns a 'do date' to tasks using a system of tags.

Please note that all scripts on my GitHub account (or shared elsewhere) are works in progress. If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions please let me know--and do please make sure you backup your database before running scripts from the internet!)

Known issues

Refer to 'issues' for known issues and planned changes/enhancements.

Installation & Set-Up

Synced Preferences Plug-In

Important note: for this plug-in bundle to work correctly, my Synced Preferences for OmniFocus plug-in is also required and needs to be added to the plug-in folder separately.


  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file.
  3. Move the .omnifocusjs file to your OmniFocus plug-in library folder (or open it to install).
  4. If desired, configure your preferences using the Preferences action.


This plug-in utilises a series of tags which are nested under a user-specified 'Scheduling' tag, which may be placed anywhere in the tag hierarchy and can have any name. This tag should be created manually, and then set in the preferences.

Optionally, a 'Today' tag can also be used.


This plug-in contains the following actions:

(Re)schedule Task(s)

This action can be run when one or more tasks are selected.

It prompts the user to enter a date (which may use Omni's shorthand date terminology) and 'reschedules' the task to that date by assigning a tag.

Rescheduling a task

Unschedule Task(s)

This action can be run when one or more tasks are selected.

It 'unschedules' the selected tasks, based on the settings in preferences.

Update Schedule

This action can be run at any time. You may wish to run this in the background on a daily basis using the included Keyboard Maestro macro.

It runs the updateTags() function from the library (described in detail below), which moves any tasks scheduled for today (or the past) to today, by applying a flag and/or assigning a tag (as determined by the user's preferences.) It also updates the tag order and removes any tags that are more than a week in the future and do not have any remaining tasks assigned to them.

Ordered tags

Preferences: Scheduling

This action allows the user to set the preferences for the plug-in. These sync between devices using the Synced Preferences plug-in linked above.

The following preferences are available:

  • Scheduling tag: This is the root tag under which all 'Scheduling' tags are created by the plug-in. It can be named anything and located anywhere in the tag hierarchy.
  • 'Today' tag: A tag that denotes tasks that have been scheduled for Today. This is optional. If 'None' is selected, no today tag is used.
  • Flag denotes 'Today' tasks. If selected, flags are used to represent 'Today' tasks. Note that if a task is rescheduled from today and this checkbox is selected, the flag will be removed from the task.
  • Use scheduled notifications. If selected, a notification will be added to the task on the chosen date. (Note that any existing notifications will be removed first.) This allows the task to show in the forecast view if 'Items with scheduled notifications' is ticked.
  • Use recurring weekday-based scheduling. If selected, tags for each day of the week (e.g. 'Wednesdays', 'Thursdays' and 'Fridays') will also be created, which can contain repeating tasks. These will be marked as 'Today' each week on that day, provided the defer date of the task is not after the specified day. (e.g. if a task is tagged with 'Wednesdays' but is deferred until Thursday, it will be assumed the task has been completed early and won't be marked 'Today')


This plug-in contains the following functions within the schedulingLib library.

loadSyncedPrefs () : SyncedPref

Returns the SyncedPref object for this plug-in.

If the user does not have the plug-in installed correctly, they are alerted.

todayTag () : Tag | null

Returns the 'Today' tag set in preferences. If no tag has been set, or the tag no longer exists, returns null.

getDateFormatter () : Formatter.Date

Returns the Omni Automation date formatter that is used to format the date strings. This uses the user’s “medium” format as selected in system settings.

getDateString (date: Date) : String

Returns a string for the given date, based on the user's "medium" format selected in system settings.

daysFromToday (date: Date) : Number

Returns the number of days between today and the given date.

If the date is more than a month away, return Infinity. (In this context of this plug-in, we only care about values within a week.)

getDayOfWeek (date: Date) : String

Returns the day of the week for the given date.

getWeekdayTag (date: Date) : Tag

Asynchronous. Returns the 'weekday' tag for the given day of the week. e.g. if a Wednesday date is passed, returns (and creates if necessary) the scheduling tag named 'Wednesdays'.

getString (date: Date) : String | null

Returns a string that is used as the tag name for the given date. This uses the user's "medium" format as selected in system settings, and depends on how far in the future the date is.

If the date is today, returns null. If the date is tomorrow returns 'Tomorrow' and the date e.g. 'Tomorrow (24 Feb 2022)' If the date is after tomorrow but in the next seven days, returns the weekday followed by the date e.g. 'Sunday (27 Feb 2022)'. If the date is not in the next seven days, returns the date e.g. '4 Mar 2022'.

isAfterToday (date: Date) : Boolean

Returns true if the given date is after today; otherwise returns false.

schedulingTag () : Tag | null

Returns the 'Scheduling' tag set in preferences. If no tag has been set, or the tag no longer exists, returns null.

getSchedulingTag () : Tag

Asynchronous. Returns the 'Scheduling' tag set in preferences. If no tag has been set, or the tag no longer exists, displays the preferences pane.

createTag (date: Date) : Tag

Asynchronous. Creates a tag for the provided date and re-orders the scheduling tags as needed.

getTag (date: Date) : Tag

Asynchronous. Returns the tag for the provided date, if it exists. If no tag exists for the given date, uses createTag to create one.

getDate (tag: Tag) : Date | null

Returns the date for a given tag. If no date can be parsed, returns null.

getDateStringFromTag (tag: Tag) : String

Returns the date string for a given tag.

isToday (date: Date) : Boolean

Returns true if the given date is today; otherwise, returns false.

promptAndReschedule (tasks: Array<Task>)

Asynchronous. 'Reschedules' the given task to the specified date by removing any existing 'scheduling' tags, and adding the tag for the given day.

Prompts the user to enter a date (which may use Omni's shorthand date terminology) and 'reschedules' the task to that date by assigning a tag.

Rescheduling a task

rescheduleTask (task: Task, date: Date)

Asynchronous. 'Reschedules' the given task to the specified date by removing any existing 'scheduling' tags, and adding the tag for the given day.

Depending on the user's preferences, a notification will also be added (and existing notifications removed) and/or a flag added to tasks scheduled to today.

unscheduleTasks (tasks: Array<Task>)

Asynchronous. 'Unschedules' the given task by removing any existing scheduling tags, and (depeding on preferences) the flag or scheduled notifications.

addToToday (task: Task)

Moves a task to today by flagging and/or tagging with the 'Today' tag as specified in preferences.

makeToday (tag: Tag)

Moves all of the tasks from a tag to today by running addToToday on each of its tasks, and deleting the tag.

recreateTagOrder ()

Asynchronous. Re-orders the scheduling tags (and renames them if necessary), in an order similar to that shown at the 'Update Tags' action above.

updateTags ()

Asynchronous. This function:

  1. moves any past tags to 'Today' (using makeToday),

  2. removes any future date tags (more than a week in the future) that have no remaining tasks,

  3. if the option is selected in preferences, schedules any relevant 'weekdays' tasks for today, and

  4. re-orders the scheduling tags using recreateTagOrder.

getScheduleInfo (task: Task) : string

Asynchronous. This function takes a task as input and returns details about existing scheduling information as a string. e.g. Tomorrow (24 Aug 2023) or Fridays or Tomorrow (24 Aug 2023) and Fridays.


A series of scripts to assist with scheduling in OmniFocus






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