NST Weapons Remake v1.2.0
Optimized codes.
Added line number to syntax error message.
Added support for purchasing melee weapons to bots.
Changed attack speed math operation.
Changed some commands.
Changed syntax rules in config files.
Fixed melee issues caused by jump options
Fixed sets ammo to 0 after reload in multiplayer.
Fixed load config file error for array size reason.
Fixed empty line problem in config files.
Fixed syntax error caused by comment line in config files.
Fixed empty precache error caused by wrong syntax.
Fixed cant buy weapon after commencing.
Fixed null entity error caused in some maps.
Fixed error caused by suicide.
Fixed issue nst weapon would change to default weapon after dropped by other player.
Fixed secondary weapons attack issues.
Fixed secondary weapons attack animations.
Fixed issue in tracer configuration.
Fixed melee weapons issues in multiplayer.
Fixed take damage amount issues.
Fixed invalid entity error when bots were kicked while joining the server.
Fixed weapon scope issues.
Fixed appearing mini crosshair when weapon scope opened.
Fixed bugs in no reload (0) option.
How to use NST Weapons Remake plugin?
Go repository page.