- (8/9) State machines
- (8/9) CSS Grid subgrid
- (9/9) Syscalls (stripped C minimal binary)
- (DNF) Autotools
- (6/9) Agility
- (6/9) Ideas about showing program internal state
- (5/9) Not bad whirlwind Docker talk
- (6/9) Static and shared libs
- (6/9) systemd tips
- (7/9) spreadsheets calculations
- (6/9) Docker matching filesystem owner problem
- (6/9) PClean: Probabilistic scripts for automating common-sense tasks
- (7/9) Typescript type system
- (6/9) UIs are streaming DAGs
- (9/9) WHY Waterfall Doesn't work
- (9/9) Inheritance is the Base Class of Evil
- (9/9) C++ wisdom via twitter
- (5/9) Advanced C++: Templates
- (5/9) C++ initialisation
- (6/9) Breaking Dependencies: Type Erasure
- (8/9) Inheritance Is The Base Class of Evil (infinite undo)
- (9/9) Git internals performance
- (5/9) Some git (and concurancy) intuition
- (6/9) Files in tree in different repos