Life is too short for looking around the web to polish up your tmux, zsh and vim (maybe neovim - depends on whether you are young or wise or both) configurations.
DISCLAIMER : I am yet to be smart enough to build all the tools used in this aesthetics pursuit. I have just gathered, discovered , organized and added scripts.
I run a Windows 11 machine which connects to a remote Ubuntu Server. Following is the pre-setup:
- Terminal : Command Prompt running in Windows Terminal
- Terminal Font : JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono (Sometimes for a new taste, also use Meslo)
- Theme : Catppuccin Mocha
Using command prompt inside Windows terminal works best for displaying glyphs in our fancy setup, surprisingly.
My search for a perfect developement theme came to halt when I found Catppuccin project. It is community driven, available for several CLI and GUI tools and extremely soothing feel on eyes.
Look for a patched version of your favorite font here. This is required because the non-patched version of your favorite font might not contain the glyphs that are required for a shining and glowing terminal. If you can't find your font at Nerd Fonts, then try some other fonts. If you are picky about your font, try finding a patched font on Poweline Fonts.
Login to the machine, where you hope to spend your rest of life.
We will install three primary tools here:
- tmux
- zsh
- neovim
We will also install some secondary tooling to support enhancements to earlier tools:
- fzf - Fuzzy finder helping with history of commands
- nvchad - A neovim configuration plugin which has a lot of preset and ready to use configs.
All set! We don't have to do all these on our own as we are real 10x chad. We will setup our 10x terminal by running a bash script.
Tmux once installed and started, will have default shell as zsh
, but only inside tmux. This means default shell on you machine will be still bash (if it was bash earlier).
Run the following command and sit back and relax:
git clone
cd tenxterminal
git clone
cd tenxterminal
I hope all goes well and you will return to bash once this finishes.
Next step is important. Before we start our 10xterminal, we want to run setup wizards for zsh
and neovim
. Let's do that one at a time. For zsh
the setup wizard is only for the PowerLevel10k prompt design setup. Start this by running:
NOTES: PowerLevel10k is not being maintained anymore.
We will be shown a interactive wizard, which lets us decide how our prompt should look.
Once done, we will setup neovim. Start neovim by running following:
will start with attempting to install several plugins. Run :MasonInstallAll
command after plugin installation to install most available language servers. Once done, please press Space + t + h
to select a theme for neovim
. Of course, we will use Catppuccin Mocha.
With zsh
and neovim
configured, we are ready to enter the tmux.
Enter into tmux by running this:
tmux -u -S 10xSession -n 10xWindow
Alternatively, there is an another script that sets up a tmux session and prepares 3 windows with different panes each for developement, operations and testing. You can change the directories to your liking and run the script to have all done instantly :
You can use this script every time you want to enter your enviornments. You might even add to .bashrc
file to auto-start every time you login to your shell.
Happy terminaling! Provide comments or raise issues if you find issues.