The National Hockey League (NHL) is a professional ice hockey league in North America, currently comprising 31 teams: 24 in the United States and 7 in Canada. NHL is considered to be the premier professional ice hockey league in the world and one of the major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada.
This project deals with building an automated database which includes all the details of players, teams and matches. Subsequently insights about the NHL database are reported in Tableau.
Download the dataset from Kaggle.
The data represents all the official metrics measured for each game in the NHL in the past 6 years. This dataset not only includes the results and player stats of NHL games but also includes details on individual plays such as shots, goals and stoppages including date & time.
ER Diagram:
mysql --local-infile=on -u root -p
Create Database: source scripts/nhl_create_database.sql
Create Tables: source scripts/nhl_create_tables.sql
Load Data: source scripts/nhl_load_tables.sql
Update Relations: source scripts/nhl_update_relations.sql
Verification Queries: source scripts/nhl_check_database.sql
Create Views: source scripts/nhl_create_views.sql
Analytical Queries: source scripts/nhl_query_database.sql