go get -u github.com/krdganesh/queuelib
rmq, err := queuelib.Init("rabbitmq")
config := &queuelib.Config{
ConString: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/",
result, err := rmq.Connect(config)
var pubStruct = queuelib.PublishStruct{
Exchange: "testExchange",
Key: "",
Mandatory: false,
Immediate: false,
ContentType: "text/plain",
Message: []byte("Testing Publish()"),
result, err := rmq.Publish(pubStruct)
//To use the delay feature, an exchange with type 'x-delayed-message' must be there.
var pubDelayStruct = queuelib.PublishStruct{
Exchange: "amqp.delay",
Key: "testKey",
Mandatory: false,
Immediate: false,
ContentType: "text/plain",
Message: []byte("Testing Delayed Publish()"),
Delay: 15000, //15 sec. delay
result, err := rmq.Publish(pubDelayStruct)
var subStruct = queuelib.SubscribeStruct{
Queue: "testQueue",
Consumer: "",
AutoAck: false,
Exclusive: false,
NoLocal: false,
NoWait: false,
PrefetchCount: 10, //Allows batching of messages
chForever := make(chan bool)
msgs, err := rmq.Subscribe(subStruct)
go func() {
for msg := range msgs {
log.Printf("Received a message: %s", msg.Body)
result, err := rmq.Acknowledge(msg)
var getStruct = queuelib.GetStruct{
Queue: "testQueue",
AutoAck: false,
msg, ok, err := rmq.Get(getStruct)
log.Printf("Got a message: %s", msg.Body)
result, err := rmq.Acknowledge(msg)
Ganesh Karande
Email : [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License