The app for meeting new people and making lifelong friends - based on common interests.
Have you ever wanted to try felting but can't convince your friends to craft with you? Or do you not have any friends? Find Me Friends is the app for you! Sign up today to start connecting with friends in your neighbourhood to felt with you!
We provide a platform for you to connect with people in your community who enjoy doing the same activties or are interested in trying new things! Consider us as the ice breaker: the mutual friend to connect you to your new best friend. Unlike other apps out there, here you can meet someone awesome on an inviting and more personal level!
Select your interests when you sign up, see a selection of suggested friends who have matching interests, then chat with them in our real-time integrated chatroom to find out if/when you want to meet up! It's that simple! We find your bestie, you do the restie.
Based on the Shakacode React on Rails boilerplate
- ReactJS
- Rails 5.0 (with Action Cable for WebSockets)
- PostgreSQL
- SASS (100% written from scratch)
- Testing (RSpec)
- Deployed on Heroku
This tech stack was chosen as it touches on each skill learned at Lighthouse Labs - plus more!
- ES6
- Rails
- No brackets
- Class Names
- Preference for longer names
- Language specific styles; camelCase, snake_case, etc
- Thorough commenting
- Git/Github
- Git/Github Pull Requests
- Future tense commenting
- Detailed comments
- Feature specific naming for branches
- Feature/branch-name-obj
- Testing/branch-name-object
- Consistency
- Must face shame if so.
- Trello & Slack for communication
After downloading the project, follow these steps to set it up:
nvm install node # download and install latest stable Node
nvm alias default node # make it default version
nvm list # check
brew install yarn # you can use other installer if desired
brew install imagemagick # required for image uploader
rvm install 2.3.1 # download and install latest stable Ruby (update to exact version)
rvm use 2.3.1 --default # use it and make it default
rvm list # check
gem install rails # download and install latest stable Rails
gem install foreman # download and install Foreman
bundle && yarn
$ heroku pg:reset DATABASE
$ heroku run rake db:migrate
$ heroku run rake db:seed
$ heroku restart
foreman start -f
This is based off a react_on_rails gem tutorial. Make sure you have all the dependencies installed.
To get the app running: foreman start -f
then visit: http://localhost:3000/
To start postgres:
brew services start postgresql
Then to start psql:
psql -d postgres
To make a new role and password:
postgres=# CREATE ROLE friend WITH LOGIN password 'lighthouse';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE find_me_friends OWNER friend;
postgres=# ALTER ROLE friend SUPERUSER;
\q to quit psql
Then run the migrations:
bin/rails db:migrate
If at any time you want to stop postgres:
brew services stop postgresql
Once you have the database, you can get to the table using:
psql find_me_friends
To run the migration and reseed run: bin/rake db:reset
Note: before we had to first drop the table, then migrate and it migrates and seeds - as shown in the following steps:
- Make the migrations:
bin/rails g migration <migration name>
- Drop the table:
bin/rails db:drop
- Create the database again:
psql -d postgres
thencreate database find_me_friends owner friend;
(same as above) - Migrate the tables:
bin/rails db:migrate
- Seed the database:
bin/rails db:seed
Shakacode React on Rails boilerplate
Real-Time Rails: Implementing WebSockets in Rails 5 with Action Cable
Please contact any of us if you have any questions or comments. There is lots of room for improvements!