Homebrew recipes of @dtan4 tools
$ brew tap dtan4/tools
Name | Description | Version |
ec2c | Simple AWS EC2 CLI | v0.1.1 |
ghrls | List & Describe GitHub Reelases | v0.1.0 |
k8sec | CLI tool to manage Kubernetes Secrets easily | v0.5.0 |
k8stail | tail -f experience for Kubernetes Pods |
v0.4.0 |
s3url | Generate S3 object pre-signed URL in one command | v0.3.1 |
valec | Handle application secrets securely | v0.5.2 |
Check SHA256 checksum of target file
$ shasum -a 256 APP.tar.gz # Download archive and check at once $ script/check-sha256sum https://github.com/dtan4/APP/releases/downloads/v0.1.2/APP.tar.gz
Test it
$ brew install --verbose --debug Formula/APP.rb $ brew test Formula/APP.rb
For further information, see https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/blob/master/docs/Formula-Cookbook.md.