Releases: kordamp/naum
Releases · kordamp/naum
Release early-access
🛠 Build
- ba732a5 Apply ossindex and jdeps plugins
- db9d212 Remove autovalue from dependencies
- 8d324c4 Update license headers
- 6fa39e8 Update dependencies
- 47d2c49 Update dependencies
- d502900 Update gradle wrapper to 3.3
- 0a409c1 fix the number of spaces before URL in copyright header for IntelliJ
- adbd40b make IntelliJ project use Java 8
- 041510c handle arrays in AnnotationInfo.asString()
- 5f23f31 remove @EqualsAndHashCode as it is included in @DaTa
- d436ebc fix failing tests
- d05b493 remove complicated helper and use simple one
- 8ab9e13 add handling of array values in annotations
- 28b2cc4 introduce AnnotationValue and simplify AnnotationInfo to only contain such values
- 2e0b11a exclude contentHash from equals and hashCode methods
- 71dfca6 AnnotationInfo should extend NamedInfo directly
- 032b91c introduce NamedInfo as super class of AnnotatedInfo
- 02165ad add test for annotation with annotation array values
- 75e9749 add test for annotation with enum array values
- 0ec3a14 add test for annotation with class array values
- b22ddf2 add more empty array tests and single element array tests
- e887f82 add first test for empty primitive array value
- 432f4de add test for annotation with primitive array values
- 80d86d1 add test for annotation with string array values
- d3f7e8f add test for annotation with class values
- 42610e5 add test for annotation with primitive values
- 04420a6 add test for annotation with annotation values
- abafcb4 add test for annotation with enum values
- fc1b276 add test for annotation with string values
- db2bc2e rename sample classes
- 95d4a43 group annotation and sample class in one file
- a513a42 introduce AnnotatedInfoMatcher to simplify test code and fix headers
- 2ec0663 adding tests for AnnotationProcessor
- 7e42c32 Fix unused imports
- fffc0c5 reorganize imports
- a25e1e3 Add i18n messages for latest diff keys
- 220081c Diff enum values in annotations
- 90e9277 Diff annotations on all nodes
- cceefdd Add a method to check annotations
- 0a45240 Prefer static imports
- d235455 enforce java version by setting compatability in all compile tasks
- 88b1e33 Activate aggregate jacoco report
- 631fbba Push coveralls report from Travis
- 635b0d0 Activate coveralls
- 4f39e15 Enable aggregate code coverage reports.
- dc45e34 Add ci/coverage badges to readme
- 9aaa975 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into annotationDiffer
- f89786a Add a test for constructor diff
- 1e00aee first incomplete AnnotationDiffer
- b2fb652 Update license headers
- 6fe813a adding author tags for field value check implementation and test
- e0b0759 add differ check for field values of final static fields
- c7a6e0a Enable Classdiffer tests
- 73dd437 set java version of idea project to 1.7
- e5f6d10 Add a test for MethodDiffer
- 7dcdd14 Update depedencies
- 3fe0624 Add contribution file
- 791d1fd added documentation for IntelliJ setup
- 38d889c Tweak idea settings
- d55b9b0 Fix broken build due to checkstyle violations
- 5b37a36 Check if classes changed type (class|interface|annotation|enum)
- 8110f74 Remove getters from collection fields of ClassInfo
- aa9b5fd Rename builder methods
- e825e8f Add a test for FieldDiffer
- b3f79dc First commit
- f274d62 Init repository
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- Andres Almiray (@aalmiray)
- Jochen Theodorou
- Maxim Moschko
- Stephan Classen
- aalmiray (@aalmiray)
- sclassen
- speter
🌟 Universal
These binaries require an external Java runtime.
- (requires Java 11+)
- naum-early-access.tar (requires Java 11+)
- naum-tool-provider-early-access.jar (requires Java 11+)
☕️ Bundled Java Runtimes
These binaries provide their own Java runtime.