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korbinian90 committed Dec 19, 2023
2 parents e09133e + 394c90d commit 8b787a9
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Showing 8 changed files with 135 additions and 60 deletions.
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
name = "QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV"
uuid = "bd393529-335a-4aed-902f-5de61cc7ff49"
authors = ["Korbinian Eckstein [email protected]"]
version = "0.2.1"
version = "0.3.0"

CUDA = "052768ef-5323-5732-b1bb-66c8b64840ba"
FFTW = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341"
ImageFiltering = "6a3955dd-da59-5b1f-98d4-e7296123deb5"
ImageMorphology = "787d08f9-d448-5407-9aad-5290dd7ab264"
Expand All @@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

CUDA = "4,5"
FFTW = "1.7"
ImageFiltering = "0.7"
ImageMorphology = "0.4"
Expand Down
59 changes: 43 additions & 16 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,16 +12,48 @@ This project is an improvement of the [Python source code](http://www.neuroimagi

- Langkammer, C., Bredies, K., Poser, B. A., Barth, M., Reishofer, G., Fan, A. P., ... & Ropele, S. (2015). Fast quantitative susceptibility mapping using 3D EPI and total generalized variation. Neuroimage, 111, 622-630.

## Setup
## Command line usage

### Command line Setup

1. Install [Julia]( (v1.9+ recommended)
2. Make sure `julia` can be executed from the command line
3. Download the single file [tgv_qsm.jl](

### Run script

julia <folder>/tgv_qsm.jl --help

On the first usage, the script will download all dependencies.

### Optional configuration

Under Linux: Make the file executable with `chmod +x tgv_qsm.jl` and run via

<folder>/tgv_qsm.jl --help

## Run in Julia

### Setup

1. Install [Julia]( (v1.9+ recommended)
2. Install this package
Open the julia REPL and type:

julia> ] # enters package manager
pkg> add QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV MriResearchTools


import Pkg
Pkg.add("MriResearchTools") # for nifti handling
Pkg.add(["QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV", "MriResearchTools"])

## Example to run TGV
Expand All @@ -40,7 +72,6 @@ This project is an improvement of the [Python source code](http://www.neuroimagi
TE = 0.004 # in [s]
fieldstrength = 3 # in [T]
# Automatically runs on GPU, if a CUDA device is detected
chi = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE=TE, fieldstrength=fieldstrength);
savenii(chi, "chi", "<folder-to-save>")
Expand All @@ -61,19 +92,10 @@ This project is an improvement of the [Python source code](http://www.neuroimagi

The first execution might take some time to compile the kernels (~1min).

## Command Line Interface

Coming soon

## Settings

The default settings were optimized for brain QSM and should lead to good results independently of the acquired resolution.

# Run on CPU in parallel
chi = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, fieldstrength, gpu=false);

It uses the number of CPU threads julia was started with. You can use `julia --threads=auto` or set it to a specific number of threads.

### Other optional keyword arguments
Expand All @@ -91,7 +113,7 @@ It uses the number of CPU threads julia was started with. You can use `julia --t

This implementation doesn't support data with an oblique angle acquisition yet. For rotated data, it is recommended to use the [QSMxT pipeline]( for susceptibility mapping, which applies TGV internally

## Self contained example to test if everything works
## Self contained example to test if package works

using QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV
Expand All @@ -118,9 +140,14 @@ qsm = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, fieldstrength, laplacian=get_laplace_phase3,

The parallel CPU version is about twice as fast as the Cython version, the GPU version is about 10x faster than the Cython version (on a RTX 3060 Laptop GPU 6GB)

## Run with other GPU types
## Run on GPU

Other GPU types should be supported, however are only minimally tested.
Other GPU types don't work with the command line script. They have to be accessed via Julia (or the command line script modified).

using CUDA
chi = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, fieldstrength, gpu=CUDA);

using AMDGPU
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV

using CUDA, KernelAbstractions, PaddedViews, ImageMorphology, Interpolations, Rotations, OffsetArrays, StaticArrays, ProgressMeter, Statistics, ImageFiltering, ROMEO, LinearAlgebra, ImageFiltering, FFTW
using KernelAbstractions, PaddedViews, ImageMorphology, Interpolations, Rotations, OffsetArrays, StaticArrays, ProgressMeter, Statistics, ImageFiltering, ROMEO, LinearAlgebra, ImageFiltering, FFTW

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33 changes: 12 additions & 21 deletions src/tgv.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
function qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, B0_dir=[0, 0, 1], fieldstrength=3, regularization=2, alpha=get_default_alpha(regularization), step_size=3, iterations=get_default_iterations(res, step_size), erosions=3, dedimensionalize=false, correct_laplacian=true, laplacian=get_laplace_phase_del, type=Float32, gpu=CUDA.functional(), nblocks=32, orig_kernel=false)
qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, kwargs...)
Optional arguments:
chi = qsm_tgv(randn(20,20,20), trues(20,20,20), [1,1,2]; TE=0.025, fieldstrength=3)
function qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, B0_dir=[0, 0, 1], fieldstrength=3, regularization=2, alpha=get_default_alpha(regularization), step_size=3, iterations=get_default_iterations(res, step_size), erosions=3, dedimensionalize=false, correct_laplacian=true, laplacian=get_laplace_phase_del, type=Float32, gpu=nothing, nblocks=32, orig_kernel=false)
device, cu = select_device(gpu)
phase, res, alpha, fieldstrength, mask = adjust_types(type, phase, res, alpha, fieldstrength, mask)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,15 +184,7 @@ function reduce_to_mask_box(laplace_phi0, mask)
return laplace_phi0, mask, box_indices, original_size

function default_backend()
if CUDA.functional()
return CUDA.CUDAKernels.CUDABackend()
return CPU()

function select_device(library::Module)
function select_device(library)
if Symbol(library) == :CUDA
println("Using the GPU via CUDA")
return library.CUDAKernels.CUDABackend(),
Expand All @@ -197,17 +198,7 @@ function select_device(library::Module)
println("Using the GPU via Metal")
return library.MetalKernels.MetalBackend(), library.MtlArray
println("Using $(Threads.nthreads()) CPU cores")
return CPU(), identity

function select_device(gpu)
if gpu
println("Using the GPU")
return CUDA.CUDAKernels.CUDABackend(),
println("Using $(Threads.nthreads()) CPU cores")
println("Using $(Threads.nthreads()) CPU threads")
return CPU(), identity
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Aqua = "4c88cf16-eb10-579e-8560-4a9242c79595"
CUDA = "052768ef-5323-5732-b1bb-66c8b64840ba"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
TestItemRunner = "f8b46487-2199-4994-9208-9a1283c18c0a"
22 changes: 3 additions & 19 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,25 +17,9 @@ using TestItemRunner
@test size(chi) == sz

@testitem "GPU" begin
if QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV.CUDA.functional()
sz = (20, 20, 20)
phase = randn(sz)
mask = trues(sz)
res = [1, 1, 1]
TE = 1

iterations = 10
chi_cpu = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, iterations, gpu=false)
chi_gpu = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, iterations, gpu=true)

relative_diff(A, B) = sum(abs.(A .- B)) / sum(abs.(B))
@test relative_diff(Array(chi_gpu), chi_cpu) < 2e-7

@testitem "CUDA" begin
if QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV.CUDA.functional()
using CUDA
if CUDA.functional()
sz = (20, 20, 20)
phase = randn(sz)
mask = trues(sz)
Expand All @@ -44,7 +28,7 @@ end

iterations = 10
chi_cpu = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, iterations, gpu=false)
chi_gpu = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, iterations, gpu=QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV.CUDA)
chi_gpu = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, iterations, gpu=CUDA)

relative_diff(A, B) = sum(abs.(A .- B)) / sum(abs.(B))
@test relative_diff(Array(chi_gpu), chi_cpu) < 2e-7
Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tgv_qsm.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S julia --color=yes --startup-file=no --threads=auto

## Usage

# Call with: `<path-to-file>/tgv_qsm.jl ARGS`
# On windows use: `julia --threads=auto <path-to-file>/tgv_qsm.jl ARGS`

# Example call:
# `./tgv_qsm.jl phase.nii.gz mask.nii.gz --TE 0.025 --output output.nii.gz --no-gpu

import Pkg

## Uncomment to use a local julia package directory instead of the global one
# package_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, ".tgv_cmd_packages")
# mkpath(package_dir)
# Pkg.activate(package_dir)

using QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV, MriResearchTools, Comonicon
Pkg.add(["QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV", "MriResearchTools", "Comonicon"])
using QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV, MriResearchTools, Comonicon

version = Comonicon.get_version(QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV)
Comonicon.get_version(::Module) = version

@main function tgv_qsm(fn_phase, fn_mask; TE::Float64, output::String="output.nii.gz", fieldstrength::Float64=3.0, regularization::Float64=2.0, erosions::Int=3, B0_dir::Array{Int}=[0,0,1], dedimensionalize::Bool=false, no_laplacian_correction::Bool=false, step_size::Float64=3.0, type::DataType=Float32, nblocks::Int=32)
println("Starting calculation...")
phase = readphase(fn_phase)
mask = niread(fn_mask) .!= 0
res = header(phase).pixdim[2:4]
println("Resolution from NIfTI header [mm]: $(round.(Float64.(res); digits=2))")
chi = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, B0_dir, fieldstrength, regularization, erosions, dedimensionalize, correct_laplacian=!no_laplacian_correction, gpu=!no_gpu, step_size, type, nblocks)
println("Writing output")
savenii(chi, output; header=header(phase))
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tgv_qsm_cuda.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S julia --color=yes --startup-file=no --threads=auto

## Usage

# Call with: `<path-to-file>/tgv_qsm.jl ARGS`
# On windows use: `julia --threads=auto <path-to-file>/tgv_qsm.jl ARGS`

# Example call:
# `./tgv_qsm.jl phase.nii.gz mask.nii.gz --TE 0.025 --output output.nii.gz --no-gpu

import Pkg

## Uncomment to use a local julia package directory instead of the global one
# package_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, ".tgv_cmd_packages")
# mkpath(package_dir)
# Pkg.activate(package_dir)

using CUDA, QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV, MriResearchTools, Comonicon
Pkg.add(["CUDA", "QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV", "MriResearchTools", "Comonicon"])
using CUDA, QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV, MriResearchTools, Comonicon

version = Comonicon.get_version(QuantitativeSusceptibilityMappingTGV)
Comonicon.get_version(::Module) = version

@main function tgv_qsm(fn_phase, fn_mask; TE::Float64, output::String="output.nii.gz", fieldstrength::Float64=3.0, regularization::Float64=2.0, erosions::Int=3, B0_dir::Array{Int}=[0,0,1], dedimensionalize::Bool=false, no_laplacian_correction::Bool=false, step_size::Float64=3.0, type::DataType=Float32, nblocks::Int=32)
println("Starting calculation...")
phase = readphase(fn_phase)
mask = niread(fn_mask) .!= 0
res = header(phase).pixdim[2:4]
println("Resolution from NIfTI header [mm]: $(round.(Float64.(res); digits=2))")
chi = qsm_tgv(phase, mask, res; TE, B0_dir, fieldstrength, regularization, erosions, dedimensionalize, correct_laplacian=!no_laplacian_correction, gpu=!no_gpu, step_size, type, nblocks, gpu=CUDA)
println("Writing output")
savenii(chi, output; header=header(phase))

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