please be notify that current version doesn't connect to skyway server. cause automatically close from SkyWay in 30seconds...
you need to run peerjs-server in your local machine.
$ node -g install peer
$ peer --port 9000 --key peerjs
check raspberry pi's IP addresss ( assuming raspi's address is below )
- clone this repo
- run raspi2peerjs server
$ cd rasp2peerjs
$ RASPI_ADDR= node index.js
- after that you'll see the messages like below,
[2015-08-16 22:42:30.972] [INFO] [default] - raspi4peerjs listening at
[2015-08-16 22:42:30.978] [INFO] [default] - ws://localhost:9000/peerjs?key=peerjs&id=3689&token=b65tvmili2mon7b9
[2015-08-16 22:42:30.978] [INFO] [default] - connection established for peerjs server(localhost) [myid: 3689, token: b65tvmili2mon7b9]
please check myid ( above example, it is 3689 )
- access URL "http://localhost:3000"
- change text box labeled Peer ID for destination: with above
. - click start